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Recommended Items
Runes: Basic Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order AbilitĂ
Love Tap (PASSIVE)
Miss Fortune Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Like it a lot, your E + his Q is a very strong combo to slow them down and setup your R.
Like it a lot, your E + his Q is a very strong combo to slow them down and setup your R.
Champion Build Guide
how are u guys? this is my personal build for MF in Iron
Don’t take it too seriously. I know good players will find a lot of problems in it, I would just like to share it to increase interaction with players of my same level (new/not good [skill issue])
I am not a main adc so many of the notions could be wrong but currently I have a high winrate with this build and would like to talk about it. Hope this can help or make u laugh (win/win situation).
how are u guys? this is my personal build for MF in Iron
Don’t take it too seriously. I know good players will find a lot of problems in it, I would just like to share it to increase interaction with players of my same level (new/not good [skill issue])
I am not a main adc so many of the notions could be wrong but currently I have a high winrate with this build and would like to talk about it. Hope this can help or make u laugh (win/win situation).
How (NOT) to play MF
Miss Fortune is very good in lane and has a lot of mobility (broken stat). I think she is great to start too cause its very hard to punish and its easy to teamfight with her. The only con in playing her is that her abilities consumes a lot of mana (which I like to avoid early game using the Biscuit Delivery or manaflow band).
This is kinda easy to use, u just have to use one auto on different targets and not hit one enemy multiple time. If u achieve to do so u are getting more AD per level.
Double Up
MF Q is my favourite part of the kit, its very funny to use, with one click u get to take 1cs and deal damage to our enemy. Dont spam it 'cause it costs a lot (43->55 mana) and use it to poke enemies when they try to farm or finish them when they are low (this can happen a lot in Iron-Bronze).
W is very good to escape or chase enemies, it gaves u movement speed and attack speed. With the passive it reduces the cd of the ability.
Make it Rain
With a cost of 80 this abily can be a lot useful when playing with Blitzcrank or any support that can hook/slow because u can slow down enemies to make it easier for the support to grab. E is good in combo with ur R if u think u can end the enemies and they dont have flash. Another very good combo is Malphite Q that slows the enenies, u can use both and then finish the enemy with ur R.
Bullet Time
I've seen a lot of bad MF ults (and acc cancel) dont use it for random **** cause it cost 100 mana and has very long cd, dont waste it too early in fights and wait for the right time. On the other hand u shouldnt save it for the next game but actually do something usefull with it.
A good start for a fight is to use W into Q and spam auto-attacks, u have to auto a lot when playing MF. If u feel u can solo kill a champ start E to slow -> W -> Q -> Auto and if needed R.
If u are against an easy duo in bot hubris can be a good choice because it gives u bonus AD per kill and damage to enemies. But you have to be sure, if you prefer not to risk (if u fell behind its harder to come back) then it is better to go to collector or bloodthirster depending on match up. Pls dont forget to consider the support match up more, its far more important then the ADC match up. Its better if u pic before the support so they can counter both of adc and support. If u are against tank support I suggest u bloodthirster first. For the runes I dont like first strike very much and I think that press the attack is 99% of the times the best. U can change to Alacrity and Cutdown if u dont like Bloodline + Coup de Grace.
IF U FALL BEHIND u can still win, dont panic, farm in lane not occupied by the allies(other laners) and dont come to the mid ARAM. remember to splitpush and take towers and to rotate/roam. Dont blame the support if they leave u alone, its to help other lanes and to make u get more exp from minions. If u are alone play under turret and learn how to last hit minions (its way easier this season).
Another suggestion is not FF at 15, most of iron games end up in surrender while they still very winnable and not surrending in low elo makes u learn better what to do and what to avoid in order to win, IRONS DO A LOT OF MISTAKES its easy to win even the least winnable match.
DONT FLAME, if u are following this guide u are bad/new and probably u dont know what other roles are required to do or the other laners match up difficulty. Maybe u have a 0/10 Sion vs Shen/Chogat and u want to flame him but think about it: what if the next game its u to go 0/10 against Samira/Nilah/Draven?
This is kinda easy to use, u just have to use one auto on different targets and not hit one enemy multiple time. If u achieve to do so u are getting more AD per level.
Double Up
MF Q is my favourite part of the kit, its very funny to use, with one click u get to take 1cs and deal damage to our enemy. Dont spam it 'cause it costs a lot (43->55 mana) and use it to poke enemies when they try to farm or finish them when they are low (this can happen a lot in Iron-Bronze).
W is very good to escape or chase enemies, it gaves u movement speed and attack speed. With the passive it reduces the cd of the ability.
Make it Rain
With a cost of 80 this abily can be a lot useful when playing with Blitzcrank or any support that can hook/slow because u can slow down enemies to make it easier for the support to grab. E is good in combo with ur R if u think u can end the enemies and they dont have flash. Another very good combo is Malphite Q that slows the enenies, u can use both and then finish the enemy with ur R.
Bullet Time
I've seen a lot of bad MF ults (and acc cancel) dont use it for random **** cause it cost 100 mana and has very long cd, dont waste it too early in fights and wait for the right time. On the other hand u shouldnt save it for the next game but actually do something usefull with it.
A good start for a fight is to use W into Q and spam auto-attacks, u have to auto a lot when playing MF. If u feel u can solo kill a champ start E to slow -> W -> Q -> Auto and if needed R.
If u are against an easy duo in bot hubris can be a good choice because it gives u bonus AD per kill and damage to enemies. But you have to be sure, if you prefer not to risk (if u fell behind its harder to come back) then it is better to go to collector or bloodthirster depending on match up. Pls dont forget to consider the support match up more, its far more important then the ADC match up. Its better if u pic before the support so they can counter both of adc and support. If u are against tank support I suggest u bloodthirster first. For the runes I dont like first strike very much and I think that press the attack is 99% of the times the best. U can change to Alacrity and Cutdown if u dont like Bloodline + Coup de Grace.
IF U FALL BEHIND u can still win, dont panic, farm in lane not occupied by the allies(other laners) and dont come to the mid ARAM. remember to splitpush and take towers and to rotate/roam. Dont blame the support if they leave u alone, its to help other lanes and to make u get more exp from minions. If u are alone play under turret and learn how to last hit minions (its way easier this season).
Another suggestion is not FF at 15, most of iron games end up in surrender while they still very winnable and not surrending in low elo makes u learn better what to do and what to avoid in order to win, IRONS DO A LOT OF MISTAKES its easy to win even the least winnable match.
DONT FLAME, if u are following this guide u are bad/new and probably u dont know what other roles are required to do or the other laners match up difficulty. Maybe u have a 0/10 Sion vs Shen/Chogat and u want to flame him but think about it: what if the next game its u to go 0/10 against Samira/Nilah/Draven?
Thanks for reading the guide, whether you did it to laugh at my micro/macro iron abilities or if you did it to learn a new champion.
Have a nice day!!!!!
Have a nice day!!!!!
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