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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Power Chord (PASSIVE)
Sona Passive Ability
This is my first guide in mobafire so please take it easy on me and important of all I'm a bit of a nazi in terms of spelling and such^^
...Me in season 2 i'm a plat player via support as sona but after the reset i stop playing and started again at the middle of season 3 i got stock between gold and silver division season 3 to 4. sona is my main support and the reason i start to play the game on season 2
Sona basically a champion that is so balance she can adapt on every range ad carry, carry that is passive farming or aggressive there's so many kinds of player adc you will encounter and if you can't adapt to their play style mostly likely they will die and blame you because you didn't follow up accordingly.
This guide is about sona and her ability to help the allies to out run the enemies in escaping and chasing some will thought my build is strange but i'm using it personally this season (s4)
Please reconsider trying out this build before down voting i recommend in rank cause it's really working out for me
+with this build your giving your team a huge mobility to chase if you found your enemy on the unfortunate spot
+your team can escape easily if you got out numbered because some of your team are farming when it's about time to close the game it happens often though
+and this build is so good especially if your ally is fed example like mordekaiser he can deal huge damage and so tanky but lacks of mobility
+your become a annoyance on the enemy team means they will FF you at some point
-teemo is your indirect counter because of his mushroom after the disappearance of oracle sometimes you can check his mushroom by pink but with your high MS via sona's E it will hit you before you know it and i don't like his face kha'zix is more cute^^
-your squishy inside and out but really no one gonna try to out run you may be udyr
-just like i said in the pros you can become an annoyance on the enemies so they will ff you at some point proceed with caution at that point
this is your signature skill in lane pre-6 you will use this to poke some laners should take precaution when i say precaution means if you can poke the adr go for the supp. but if you see an opening to poke the enemy adr poke them
The percent of this skill is terrible really but you can use it often so it's great but going for ap just to boosts this heal, you just end up boosting your Q
a lvl 1 of this or level 2 will suffice in lane even with max W it's not good if the opponent fight your low hp ally head on especially in this new META adr is so aggressive unlike the other seasons adr just afk farming
why max this after Q you say?if you max this skill coupled with captain boots basically your team is like semi udyr via MS + the talisman of ascension when your escaping why escaping?not chasing?most of the time you can chase them with max E with cap. boots but rapidly chasing especially on fog means danger so now you need talisman of ascension if something comes up but if your positive you can pull it of w/o a cost feel free to do it because really your and max E +plus ascension that so fast it will boost your team MS and boost their will to chase so if you do that and the team get caught it's your mistake not them cause you just gave them a will to chase and last of all you need mana to do this your mana problem can cover with chalice and talisman of ascension this skill is spammable but don't waste your mana you will need every count of it on many events on the games.
This is your presence in team fight, i can't count how many times i win because i just hit all my enemies with this skill late game.If you can hit all of them or at lease 3 or 4 of them in team fight you are basically a threat and you already a threat because your giving your team huge amount of MS with your max E and capt. boots
max this always but if you already killing them like your ranger is 3/0/0 already why need a little more damage if your killing them already ? go for mobility so you chase and escape max this skill always or leave on level 4 to upgrade your E if you think your killing them already
I don't find it useful maxing this just leave it on level 1 or level 2 if you really the heal and also most of the adr running lifesteal quins and some lifesteal item so why bother max heal your not soraka
i level this level 4 always you need s slow proc at this point it can be your adr is aggressive or your enemy or their jungler is going to gank or your own jungler is going to gank sometimes i skip leveling my Q to level 5 to just put a point on this skill especially if "we" me and adr owning them already
level 3 E your going to see the effect a bit but with captain boots you will see the effect already especially on level 4 and level 5 so basically this skill will kick off at level 3
i only leave it this on level 1 if we had a fed on my team i just point some to max my 3rd already because if your ally is fed means they will ff it no matter what, so on your part you need to boost the MS to do the hit and run tactics example zed he can one shot someone but after that he's too vulnerable to anything so your job is to let him escape and you will have max cdr anyway and your going to level your ultimate if your E is max already
Mark of Hybrid Penetration
+0.9 armor pen., +0.61 magic pen
So you can deal more damage it's good compared tocause you will deal magic damage and physical
Seal of Armor
+1.41 armor
seriously you need this armor your already squishy and you don't want to be more squishy than you already are and it's good for trading but you don't want that, all you have to do is poke at the lane.
Glyph of Magic Resist
+1.16 magic resist
your enemies in bot are ad but most of the time the support is magic damage so it's worth and expect a gank on the enemy mid if your doing well that the enemy jungle can't handle the 3v2 fight so it's really worth you can go forif you wan't but i think the scaling is better
about the 3Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
+1.34 magic resist
6Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction
-0.83% cooldowns
the glyph is to slight negate some magic damage early game and to poke more often
+0.9 armor pen., +0.61 magic pen
So you can deal more damage it's good compared tocause you will deal magic damage and physical
Seal of Armor
+1.41 armor
seriously you need this armor your already squishy and you don't want to be more squishy than you already are and it's good for trading but you don't want that, all you have to do is poke at the lane.
Glyph of Magic Resist
+1.16 magic resist
your enemies in bot are ad but most of the time the support is magic damage so it's worth and expect a gank on the enemy mid if your doing well that the enemy jungle can't handle the 3v2 fight so it's really worth you can go forif you wan't but i think the scaling is better
about the 3Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
+1.34 magic resist
6Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction
-0.83% cooldowns
the glyph is to slight negate some magic damage early game and to poke more often
in lane
your goal on level 1 is to poke the enemy adc if you poked them to half health before level 2 your doing really good and you have the upper hand already because they will just afk farm or wait for the gank and don't forget your not the adr if you just poked them with the Q and then they retaliate go back or continue to hit them with auto if they just run
level 6
the use of your ultimate may differ depends on what you have done pre-6 if your doing terrible your using this for defensive purpose or use this for the gank if your jungler is ganking that is or your adr is doing ok then you can use your ultimate for the aggressive stun especially if fed
Starting items #1
+ 2
you need a bush control to poke without a bush control you can't poke without taking a risk especially if the enemy is thresh which is a high pick rate and annie so you really need a wards early game your only going to rush this if your enemy support is really wan't to have the brush just to take the advantage and that is so much danger if it's,
this is for your utility you wan't to rush this if you and your adr getting more hit often this so you heal and to poke too especially if your enemy is pushing really hard you wan't to spam your Q to maintain the control on the first brush so you need this if that happens it's solid choice for that moment
this is your typical follow up if the game is doing just ok you will see this on other support often if the laning is just afk farming or just wan't to afk farm
you will need this 3 items early game to mid game just the order may differ depends on the situation
you can rush this after laning on any situation but except if there are enemy teemo because really it will counter it but you will need it at some point other than that it's a fine item for chasing and escaping coupled with your E it's really good
you can rush this after getting your 3 early game items if your team is a clash maniac early game or just wan't rush mid and end it quickly because you don't wan't to see this doggy
to have 800+ stocks late game
i tried to rush this onnce but it's not good early game this item shines on mid game and late game where the clash is always happen and Hp percentage of your team is high
this boots is really good on sona your become mobile so you can lead the team and with high ms you position your ultimate very well without busting out your flash
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