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Ezreal Build Guide by hailnickyleung

Other Moneils Super Snipers

Other Moneils Super Snipers

Updated on September 18, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hailnickyleung Build Guide By hailnickyleung 2,207 Views 0 Comments
2,207 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author hailnickyleung Ezreal Build Guide By hailnickyleung Updated on September 18, 2014
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All Hail Moneil

My name is moneilmolester one of moneils last disciples. I was Bronze 5 for years, then I met fellow Bronzie Moneil who taught me the way of the Moneil Snipe. Now after years of practice I am Moneil's best student and his ways have. Following Moneils ways I have reached no.1 in the world challenger leader boards

If you follow Moneil's Ways you Can be No.1 Too

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The Ancient Way Of The Moneil Snipe

The legend of the Moneil snipe. It is a lone forgotten tradition lost in the 15 FPS videos of Moneil's old laptop. The legend goes, Moneil the bronze warrior, picked Ezreal loaded into League of Legends, hit level six, then he sniped across the map and missed. If you are reading this guide this is the final bastion for the Moneil snipe. This is where the last place where you can learn the Moneil snipe.

The Fabled Moneil Snipes

There are a few thing you need to follow in order to follow the ancient way of the Moneil
- You must play ezreal
- You must snipe
- You must ignore cs, money doesn't matter only levels do. Try to kill enemies inorder to get your level 6 faster
- You have to miss your snipe
- If you get first blooded on you have to dc
- If your teammates yell at you for dying respond with "im just trolling" or "They are tryhards"

Things that will aid you in following the Moneil Snipe
- Be short
- Be a dirty mexican
- Be Silver 4 in CS:GO
- Be Bronze
- Play Yasuo
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Moneil's Godly Weapons of Choice

These six items that I have told you to build, do not doubt them because these, know as the satanic six, are the core items that will snipe the fastest, hardest, and moneilest.

6 Items and Ready to Snipe

Ionian Boots aka your Air Yeezies

These Boots give you cooldown and make you look as swag as Kanye as the same time

Witch Cap

The Moneil Theory Decrees the More Damage you have lets you Snipe better therefore its better

Deathfire Grasp

dis be yo swag sceptre


More gold more swag

Rylais CRYSTAL Sceptre

Cause every Moneil needs some CRYSTAL in it

Moneil on Crystal

Void Staff

This is moneils pimpin staff use it well

Moneil at his prime

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The Way of the Lane

Ignore everything that will slow your progression to your snipe, this includes CS. Your laning ends when you hit level 6, this is when you afk spawn or lane in order to focus only on sniping. Afking in spawn is harder since it's easier to snipe with a level 3 ulti but if you are skilled enough in moneilism you only need a level 6 ulti. If your teammates ask you why your afking tell them thay you are simply masturbating.

A fap of ******ic Proportions

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Becoming one with the Moneil

When you snipe you must become one with the Moneil. Feel yourself melt and feel his touch caress your mind and soul and shout in ******ic fashion when you finish your ulti.


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Moneils Words to all his disciples

The Snipe. The Ezreal. The Bronze. Crystal.
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Parting Words

Follow the ways of Moneil and you will reach Challenger in no time, but follow the ways of Moneil for a lifetime and you will reach godliness beyond imagination.

You can be among the ranks of lord Gaben and Moneil himself

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