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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Tailwind (PASSIVE)
Janna Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Annie's extremely strong bullying early game makes surviving extremely difficult. In this matchup you have to sit back and attempt to shield as much damage from her burst as possible. Only try to fight if her stun is down, and only situational. You are just trying to survive the laning phase in this matchup.
Janna does not benefit from defensive stats. This leaves 9 in offense for the CDR/AP. For utility you basically get every mastery that is any good at all for support champions. Inspiration is terrible, it just does not give enough experience to be relevant at all. Expanded mind is not really useful on anyone except for possibly a Ryze. Scout is not worth it, you really do not need the added range. Strength of spirit is not worthwhile on Janna since she does not build any flat mana items.
(Magic Resist Glyphs) You will not be getting any MR from items or masteries, so the 13 MR from blues is beneficial to stop enemies from dealing true damage to you. |
(Ability Power Quintessences) Janna has great AP scaling, so flat AP Quints work quite well. |
(Passive) Tailwind |
(Q) Howling Gale Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 seconds |
(W) Zephyr Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8 seconds |
(E) Eye of the Storm Cooldown: 10 seconds |
(R) Monsoon Cooldown: 150/135/120 seconds |
(+5) (Jax represents any Melee Bruiser) Janna is extremely strong vs any melee bruisers, I am using Jax as the main example. Janna excels at keeping melee's from being able to get to your carries. |
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