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Mordekaiser Build Guide by Xopez

AP Offtank Mordekaiser by Xopez

AP Offtank Mordekaiser by Xopez

Updated on December 20, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xopez Build Guide By Xopez 2,009 Views 0 Comments
2,009 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Xopez Mordekaiser Build Guide By Xopez Updated on December 20, 2012
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Hey Guys

This is my first Guide and it's about to play Mordekaiser on MID and TOP. You have to play a bit like an offtank with abilty power. I hope you enjoy and please comment my guide, so I can improve my Guide.
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For runes I took amor, magic resist, ability power and magic penetration. I took this, because you make a bit damage with spells and you are a bit mor tanky.
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Why I buy so late Will of the Ancients?

I buy it later because you need at first only the spellvamp. This is enough at first. You also want to get more tanky so buy before Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Abyssal Scepter
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Pros / Cons

+ One of the strongest champions late game!
+ Can turn 5v5 fights into 6v4 fights!
+ His passive is what makes him tanky without any tank items!
+ Mace of Spades can deal over 1000 dmg late game (not kidding)!
+ Great farming!
+ Can spell vamp the **** with his Q!

- Meele.
- His spells cost HP (solved with spell vamp).
- Early game is very weak.
- No escape skills (positioning is essential to truly master Mordekaiser).
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I hope I taught you how to play Mordekaiser the right way, and how to have a better expirience with him.

So GL&HF on the Fields of Justice!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xopez
Xopez Mordekaiser Guide
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Mordekaiser by Xopez

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