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high mobility, scales with ad only, you can't shield any of her damage, only her stuns. you can't really q her that easily
he has good poke with his q, pretty anoying if he builds crit
not really a threat pre level 6, but you can't do anything to her when she is 6
pretty anoying with his jump and passive; you can't fight him in early game, but you can farm and you can keep him in the lane so he can't get kills on other lanes
he can easily break your shield, care
Lee Sin
very high mobility, you can't q him. your shield doesn't block his ult damage, only the kick stun; care
Master Yi
he can dodge your q with his q and if you manage to land your binding, you can't do much while he meditates
she easily breaks your shield with her annoying spear; very high mobility too; you can't really fight her especially early
annoying jumps, too much ad scaling, your shield only blocks his bola
he can't fight you because he doesn't have mobily, but if he slows you and you don't have your q up, you're in trouble. fight him early game (aa is enough most of the time) and you will get a big advantage on him late
he can't q or w you, but once he is 6 and you are lower than half hp, he can eventually eat you; fight him pre level 6 and shield yourself while you ult him
your biggest nightmare. you can't fight a vayne. not early, not late. you can win the lane if you get really ahead when your jungler ganks top and you q her all the time after her dash is on cooldown. if you land your q, you have a chance to kill her, but i don't recommend choosing morgana against vayne. and in general don't choose morgana top against an adc top
although he breakes your shield with his abilities, it works pretty nice against his ult, especially when you have your zhonya's. he can fight you all the time if you don't pay attention, but he can't really farm. play safe and build farm advantage and you win the lane
annoying with her dash, but not so big threat. you can fight her early and q her out of the team fights late
i don't think ryze is a good champion against morgana. you can fight him all the time, especially when you have your shield up and he has his snare
i don't recommend fighting him. he can dodge your ult with his ult, can dodge your q with his w or he can play mind games with you with his w. but if he is kinda low and you land your q, he is pretty much dead tho
he can't do anything against you. don't let him farm. fight him all the time. all he can do is gank other lanes, while you take his turret :) i recommend taking ignite instead of teleport in this matchup
not a big threat at all. shield all of his spells and fight him.
you can q one of his turrets at a time, but the other 2 will hurt you. all of his spells break your shield. don't choose morgana against heimer top, or if you are forced to play this matchup, max your e whenever you can
he can't fight you, but he can dash away from your spells. pretty even matchup. auto attack him whenever you can in the laning phase
he can dodge your spells, but you can dodge his spells too :) pretty even matchup. autoattack him all the time
not a big threat, but he can break your shield if he builds a little bit of ap. don't let him ult you late game. don't shield his q. shield only his ult and your team should win
he can't do anything to you. autoattack him all the time from the beginning of the game and if you land your q and he is low, don't let him farm
Dr. Mundo
if you dodge his q he can't do anything to you. he looses hp when he uses abilities, you gain hp :)
he just can't. just like voli
pretty anoying jump. you can't ult him, but you can win the lane by playing so agressive than he can't farm
he can't stun you. make him use his spear on the minions by forcing him to farm under turret
if he doesn't grab you, he can't ult you, right? :) use your passive on minions or other champions when he activates his passive
ap top laners just don't work against morgana. you can harrass him easily
very high mobility. you can't ult him. focus on farming in this matchup
anoying with his trees. he can dash away from your q or ult if he has minions nearby
Tahm Kench
not a threat. just don't let him roam with his ult or push hard his when when he does (or tp where he goes)
not fun to play against. just like vayne
well...its yorick :) although he is an ap champion who will tank up late game, he can potentially do something to you if you're not paying attention
you can't ult him. he has higher sustain. roam on other lanes with your teleport when you have your ult and take kills that way
She can't ult you, but you can't ult her either. Pretty even lane, although she has more harrass with her q than you have with your w
After i played many games with morgana and decided to play her top too when i was forced (because i suck top, but i know i win my lane when i play her though), i'm making this guide for that who want to try her top. Although most people say she is useless tank, i find her very useful because of her ult vulnerabilty when she builds ap. Hopefully this will help you find in morgana a better option against certain champions.
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