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Runes: Jungle (recommended)
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Challenging Smite
Ability Order
Pit Grit (PASSIVE)
Sett Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Stealing your ult and using it on you can be real bad for your team worth the ban
her slow and stun makes you almost always hit your W
her slow and stun makes you almost always hit your W
Champion Build Guide
I am not responsible for any lost LP even though it's really effective and helps me climb.
Use it only when you know how to play Jungle and comfortable with Sett
- You may miss being the great duelist (you are still very good but not the best) but you will be very effective on team fights. Your ult and W can destroy the enemy team's health and a few of them even.
- If you're about to get hard CCd (stun or suppress) and you think you probably won't survive to W after that then use it even though it's not at its full power
- You as sett have good early game but fall a bit mid and do great late when getting items.
- You are a team fight focus, make sure your team follows you and try to W their carry. taking him out will make sure your team wins with they low health left.
- You may not be very tanky but you will deal massive amounts of damage.
- Sett has one of the least healthy clears so you always need to be careful of invades early.
- Do not be afraid to use W on jungle camps when you're sure you're not being invaded, it makes your clear much healthier and faster.
- When having some health you can 1v1 any champion early so when expecting a fight use the smite
- Do not use the smite when low health because you're on low health, Sett's passive regenerates health depending on missing health
- You're not the best ganker but you are the best team fighter so farm farm farm
- For sett jungler, your main healing source is [conqueror], stack it as soon as you can and don't be afraid of extended fights.

Secondary tree

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