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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by NizonRoxi

ADC Mundo - You're FIRED! {In-depth} 3v3!

ADC Mundo - You're FIRED! {In-depth} 3v3!

Updated on December 4, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NizonRoxi Build Guide By NizonRoxi 9,470 Views 9 Comments
9,470 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NizonRoxi Dr. Mundo Build Guide By NizonRoxi Updated on December 4, 2012
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Introduction, Mundo 101

In-depth guide under Construction!

Mundo can solo many champs 1v1, also able of turning a team fight to the max caused of Infected Bonesaw
Mundo is a great tank cause of his Goes Where He Pleases And build of regeneration
Mundo can always help a friendly champ in need cause of his Maximum Dosage
Mundo can do jungle like a peace of cake cause of Heart Zapper
Mundo can also do alot of dmg on champ at a time cause of Blunt Force Trauma
So as u can se, Mundo got alot of power if u know how to use em right
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Props / Cons

Pros / Cons


+ Super Slow
+ Get Away From 1v3
+ Very strong Erly game
+ Easy Minion Kills
+ Regenerate from 0 to Hero
+ Only needs 2 Dps's to win
+ Can do great jungeling
+ Is Great Support 2
+ Dosent run out of Hp

- Players Building % Dmg
- Stuns in erly game
- Always Fleeing (noobs do)
- Dosent Work WIthout armor, mr
- Cant recover from afk
- Kog bio arcane barrage
- Reported for OPness :P
- Olaf Reckless Swing
- Hard time against ranged carrys
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Mundo is very good at farming creeps cause of his aoe dmg and hp regen
If Mundo is going ranked then his creep farmining is verrrrrry importan from him to get feed on em
Jungler Mundo isent offent seen cause they dont know of his power to get OP as **** when he jungles
Why Mundo is good jungler, Counter jungle Infected Bonesaw, creep killer Heart Zapper
Mundo's Heart Zapper is = 3 x Sunfire cape dmg, and then add a sunfire cape = 4x its dmg
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REMEMBER ITS 3V3 almost any tanky items is blocked that mundo uses on 5v5

For some more armor so u dont lose that much hp in the start be for u get regen items ( if verses Ap make it merk boots ) and mundo without boots is NOT RECOMMENTED
Is for his ulti to heal 15% more and when u hit a target with Infected Bonesaw then u get 45 hp + 15% that more then it costs to cast
Is for MR and hp regen so mundo always can recover from a attack, this makes him very stron late game
is for his Heart Zapper. 1x Heart Zapper = 3x Sunfire Aegis this gives mundo alot of aoe dmg witch gives him the ability to turn a team fight/game to the max
Is For its armor/hp regen and MOSTLY its slow, this will help u take down almost any one as Rammus
another Force of nature is cause of your hp build and will prevent u from taking % dmg from Madred's Bloodrazor.. if u read what the item dose then it sais that Madred's Bloodrazor deals % damage in magic damage and that why u build 2 force of nature, this will also prevent u from dying of a Kog's bio arcane barrage (this meens u can use it vs ad and ap). almost nothing can stop u now. and its NOT RECOMMENTED not to build Force of Nature less then 2 times
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Mundos skins are pretty nice take a look :)

Mundo Skins : Executioner

Mundo Skins : Corporate (Ledgendary Skin*)

*Ledgendary skin = new sound and look

Mundo Skins : Rageborn

Mundo Skins : Toxic (legacy skin*)

*legacy skin = skin deleted from store but still use able
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Team Work

Team Fight

Mundo needs to engage or bait. and let his team w8 for the perfect moment if bait. but if mundo engages then the rest of the team needs to engage 2, but be sure that mundo is focued by enemy team so your dps/carrys/jungler can deal the damage or go mundo jungle and let all engage (RISKY IN ERLY GAME). but a mundo jungler is pretty strong when it comes to 1v1, and is easy to counter jungle with and if u meet up with there jungler then its easy to kill the jungler on enemy team. if u rly want a win then get some cc champs in your team, and some dmg.
This clip will show u a mundo jungler and how strong he is
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NizonRoxi
NizonRoxi Dr. Mundo Guide
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Mundo - You're FIRED! {In-depth} 3v3!

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