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Soraka Build Guide by Verrinia

N E W M E T A ( Soraka mid!)

N E W M E T A ( Soraka mid!)

Updated on April 21, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Verrinia Build Guide By Verrinia 2,009 Views 0 Comments
2,009 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Verrinia Soraka Build Guide By Verrinia Updated on April 21, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Your job is to outlast them with the healing from your darkseals and q, while dealing tons of damage if you get thunderlord of
Also, the only try to last hit cannons or when the enemy is gone, the rest of the time poke them
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The only thing that matters is thunderlords
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Just survive and outlast them while also doing damage. upgrade the ancient coin early to get maximum gold while poking
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Skill Sequence

Hit them with e and quickly q
if they stay half their health is gone early, or all of it late
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Max q then e. Don't get anything in w until you have q and e at level two already
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Outlast them and do surprising amounts of damage
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Pros / Cons

You hurt, and are hard to kill, but if you start winning against them you often get camped by their jg
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Creeping / Jungling

Only worry about last hitting cannons or when they are out of range of your poke. the coin will carry you through in gold, and if you play it well they won't be able to farm at all
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Unique Skills

You can save your jg when he ganks
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all these things are weird. Isn't this the same as several other things? Nobody reads this..
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