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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Time in a Bottle (PASSIVE)
Zilean Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Zilean Is Secretly Overpowered. Why?
ZILEAN is one of the most under-rated champions right now!
His pick rate is relatively low but his win rate is exceptionally high!
This is due to a variety of things:
1) His Bombs quite a high base damage with a low mana cost - this allows you to bully the opposing laner and waveclear easily.
2) His Ultimate can turn the tide of teamfights due to ADC being in a very strong position right now. Combining this with a Guardian Angel late game can make or break fighting over objectives.
For example: Everyone focuses you and you Zhonya! They then switch to a fed Draven and pop his Guardian Angel....they then focus him AGAIN...and you use your Ultimate. During this time your team will of hopefully focused the opposing carries and killed them in the process!
3) Double Bomb Stun can lock down carries therefore allowing easier ganks.
4) The ability to Manipulate Speed is surprisingly strong!
For example: If you get ganked early from the opposing jungler you can easily out run them with your E/standard boots. If your opposing laner overextends you can slow them down with your E then Double Bomb Stun them to allow an easy gank from your jungler!. If your ADC in a teamfight gets focused you can speed them up with your E to allow them to escape or on the other hand speed them up to hunt down the other team!
His pick rate is relatively low but his win rate is exceptionally high!
This is due to a variety of things:
1) His Bombs quite a high base damage with a low mana cost - this allows you to bully the opposing laner and waveclear easily.
2) His Ultimate can turn the tide of teamfights due to ADC being in a very strong position right now. Combining this with a Guardian Angel late game can make or break fighting over objectives.
For example: Everyone focuses you and you Zhonya! They then switch to a fed Draven and pop his Guardian Angel....they then focus him AGAIN...and you use your Ultimate. During this time your team will of hopefully focused the opposing carries and killed them in the process!
3) Double Bomb Stun can lock down carries therefore allowing easier ganks.
4) The ability to Manipulate Speed is surprisingly strong!
For example: If you get ganked early from the opposing jungler you can easily out run them with your E/standard boots. If your opposing laner overextends you can slow them down with your E then Double Bomb Stun them to allow an easy gank from your jungler!. If your ADC in a teamfight gets focused you can speed them up with your E to allow them to escape or on the other hand speed them up to hunt down the other team!

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