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Soraka Build Guide by LieutenantLumy

Top Noone expects the Banana!

Top Noone expects the Banana!

Updated on June 11, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LieutenantLumy Build Guide By LieutenantLumy 3,253 Views 0 Comments
3,253 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LieutenantLumy Soraka Build Guide By LieutenantLumy Updated on June 11, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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About me!

Hello! My name is Lieutenant Lumy, I'm from the EUW Servers. I main Support, my favorites being Soraka, Sona, Lulu and URGOT (jk :P who plays Urgot even.)

This is my first build ever made, but since I loved playing it alot I gave it a try posting it here. Hope you like it!
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About The Build!

About the build:
    Position yourself like a boss! You will deal some nice damage, but you're also pretty squishy, so make sure you always stand at a place where you will be able to flee whenever you need!
    If you get ganked your E is very handy. Practice placing your E in a way where your enemy will be rooted the moment he walks in it. It gives you a great advantage considering they will have a harder time avoiding getting rooted.
    Your Q will help you pressure a lot early-game! hitting a Q on an enemy heals you while you do damage, which gives you another advantage over your enemy.
    Don't waste your Ult on 1 person, unless it's yourself. It will help in teamfights, and if you need it to stay alive but you wasted it on one person, you buried yourself a proper grave!
    This build makes trolling much more fun than usual :>
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Pros / Cons


- Poke-tastic

- CAN counter a jungle gank

- Early-game you deal nice damage

- Great self-heal sustain!


- Squishy

- Can be countered hard by leaps/stuns

- The temptation of healing your team is big... (which is a bad thing in THIS build!)

- If you get stealth-ganked, with you doing a bad job in positioning, ready the lube. You'll need it.
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Burn let's you deal extra damage, and will be a valuable asset early-game. You Could also choose Heal, if you're new and don't think you'll have enough positioning experience. Teleport would also be a viable option.

Flash... do I even need to explain?
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Help me improve! :)

Since this is my first self-made build, I'm sure there'll be a lot of things that could be better. Please do give a feedback about what I could do do improve this build.

Thanks alot, have a nice day and good luck in the Rift!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LieutenantLumy
LieutenantLumy Soraka Guide
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Noone expects the Banana!

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