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Choose Champion Build:
- Hail of Sparks
- Lightening
- Static
- On-Hit (This build wasn't very
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Illumination (PASSIVE)
Lux Passive Ability
* PATCH: 8.12 - 8.138xxx *
I am pretty sure 8.12 was the start of the major ADC nerf) was when I continuously played(and had success with) Lux as an APC in the bot lane. My friend and duo buddy consistently had the most success when he supported me as Taliyah
DISCLAIMER: Lux APC works best with aggressive AP supports with hard CC
- Mages that worked best as supports for me:
- Taliyah (Unload spells on enemies)
- Ahri (charm/root combo deadly)
- Brand (brand pokes, you kill)
- Morgana (her root, your e, your q, her circular damage ability + your autos/ultimate)
- Leblanc (both aggressive mages)
- Zoe (her sleep cc set up easy burst opportunities
Other support champs i had a good experience with:
- Blitzcrank
- Zilean
*This guide will be updated and changed quite often. When i log on and look at my builds, or brainstorm new ones, i always find new builds to try, and often find myself fixing item builds to fit runes better. Do not expect a "finished" guide for a long time my friends.*
Notorious L.U.X.
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