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Choose Champion Build:
Runes: Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Nubs spells
Chilling Smite
Ability Order Level ups
Goes Where He Pleases (PASSIVE)
Dr. Mundo Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Show All
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Outscales and Heals
Champion Build Guide
Start level 1 w, buy talisman and refillable. Start raptors, pop pots after raptors, do red, do golems (save smite for big one) kite if you get low hp, but you should be fine.
Back, go to wolves, hit wolves over wall to kite them towards blue. Do blue, Gromp, Smite gromp if you wanna fight and think you can win at scuttle. You'll be level 4 to the enemys level 3. Ping for lane priorities.
Throughout the game, you can maintain 10cs per minute and above if you full clear constantly . Get the timers and the cycles down. Clear from one side to the other. At level 5 and when you back, you can interupt the cycle to get dragon, you do dragons really fast and can solo quickly to sneak. Get herald only before 14 minutes to use on tower turret platings for a free 320g if you drop it randomly, or if you get a gank/kill take 2 plates easily, then drop for 2k true damage on tower for first tower.
Giving up air drakes once in awhile is okay as others are superior if its the first two.
Farming is almost always better then anything else. Once you get level 11 and spirit visage you can run over the enemy team. Focus weak targets as triumph plus your ult will keep you going.
I rush the jungle item first, mercs or tabis depending on the team comp, if heavy mellee comp ill rush brambles, then always spirit visage, spirit visage first if enemy jungler is ap.
Once you got jungle item, bramble , spirit visage, boots, and deadmans, you can legit run at them and even tower dive in teamfights while you pop your ult.
Lethal tempo gives a ton of burst on a low cs with the combination of you e giving you more ad. Make sure to use e as an auto attack reset.
You should be doing all camps on spawn, and if you see the enemy jungler on the other side of the map, take his camps as well and add it to your cycle. If you farm all game you should be several levels ahead for easier smite battles and fights.
Back, go to wolves, hit wolves over wall to kite them towards blue. Do blue, Gromp, Smite gromp if you wanna fight and think you can win at scuttle. You'll be level 4 to the enemys level 3. Ping for lane priorities.
Throughout the game, you can maintain 10cs per minute and above if you full clear constantly . Get the timers and the cycles down. Clear from one side to the other. At level 5 and when you back, you can interupt the cycle to get dragon, you do dragons really fast and can solo quickly to sneak. Get herald only before 14 minutes to use on tower turret platings for a free 320g if you drop it randomly, or if you get a gank/kill take 2 plates easily, then drop for 2k true damage on tower for first tower.
Giving up air drakes once in awhile is okay as others are superior if its the first two.
Farming is almost always better then anything else. Once you get level 11 and spirit visage you can run over the enemy team. Focus weak targets as triumph plus your ult will keep you going.
I rush the jungle item first, mercs or tabis depending on the team comp, if heavy mellee comp ill rush brambles, then always spirit visage, spirit visage first if enemy jungler is ap.
Once you got jungle item, bramble , spirit visage, boots, and deadmans, you can legit run at them and even tower dive in teamfights while you pop your ult.
Lethal tempo gives a ton of burst on a low cs with the combination of you e giving you more ad. Make sure to use e as an auto attack reset.
You should be doing all camps on spawn, and if you see the enemy jungler on the other side of the map, take his camps as well and add it to your cycle. If you farm all game you should be several levels ahead for easier smite battles and fights.
Things to Keep In Mind
Farm Farm Farm, Every second is precious, You should always be looking and thinking in your mind what the next camp you're gonna take is gonna be, It defaults to your 4-6 camps , but you can also throw into enemy camps into your cycle if you have vision. I keep yellow trinket throughout the game to have a ward handy for objectives. When you fight always think about how triumph and how you can get that quickly as it gives you hundreds if not thousands of health in 1 fight with spirit visage .
Enemy junglers like graves/reksai/kayne/master yi/olaf/lilia will probably be your hardest matchups. Farm up as usual.
Once you get your ult ranks you hit new levels of powerspikes. If youve been farming well, you should have boots/jungle item/spirit visage/ and bramble by the time you're level 11 and thats when you can and should start fighting as you'll win from here on out unless you're playing against hyper carries with conqueror. Usually you'll wanna face tank everything and run at the enemy adc in fights. Vaynes will be your worst nightmare though so be careful. I would dodge if i get vaynes or yis and maybe even kaynes.
Enemy junglers like graves/reksai/kayne/master yi/olaf/lilia will probably be your hardest matchups. Farm up as usual.
Once you get your ult ranks you hit new levels of powerspikes. If youve been farming well, you should have boots/jungle item/spirit visage/ and bramble by the time you're level 11 and thats when you can and should start fighting as you'll win from here on out unless you're playing against hyper carries with conqueror. Usually you'll wanna face tank everything and run at the enemy adc in fights. Vaynes will be your worst nightmare though so be careful. I would dodge if i get vaynes or yis and maybe even kaynes.
I Stream on Twitch and Youtube
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