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Zyra Build Guide by Snorlaxiar

ADC One Shot Zyra - The Support / Mid Carry

ADC One Shot Zyra - The Support / Mid Carry

Updated on August 24, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Snorlaxiar Build Guide By Snorlaxiar 13,235 Views 0 Comments
13,235 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Snorlaxiar Zyra Build Guide By Snorlaxiar Updated on August 24, 2015
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Hi, my name is Snorlaxiar and I'm a silver 3 player on EU West. I've been playing Zyra for a few months now and very quickly got Mastery level 5 on her. She is super fun to play with great CC and RIDICULOUS damage.

I've recently had some amazing games where I've managed to carry from the support role and be accused of 'Smurfing'. This is my first account and I've never been higher than S3, so I decided to make this guide.

Read below on how to burst up anything that comes your way and a bit more on the Items.
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How to use your abilites

The thing I see most with bad Zyra's is that they don't utilize the seeds (w)!!! These seeds are where alot of your damage lies, a root without a seed means no slow after and no damage. The Q seed gives more range and the same amount of damage, great for running away while slowed.

So how do I catch their botlane??

If their bot lane is pushed into turret, first of all make sure the river is warded and no SS has been called, second get out of view shot. Double back once out of view range and go hide in their side brush (make sure this isn't warded as it could hurt if it is). Check the range of your seeds and wait till their adc or support has pushed the wave out and is following minions down the lane. Once an unsuspecting victim gets in range, throw out an E along with 1 seed, if this lands quickly throw down another seed and your W... What happens next depends on your ADC or their adc/support (if you caught only one). If your ADC sits idle and doesnt follow, BACK OFF!!! You might have got an amazing poke in but you'll probably die if you chase, let your plants do the work. If your adc jumps in and their support hasn't got good AOE, focus their ADC with AA's and abilities and pick up the support after.

The above tactic of E+W - Q+W can be done from wherever in lane, it's just the best way to do the damage. However if your target does not have good mobility e.g. no flash, slowed / stunned, a no escape champ, then you can double seed your E for that extra slow then Q for damage ;D

Your All in should be done as soon as you catch an E from behind minions, or with support from your adc while the move forward in lane. You basically do the above tactic then as soon as the E lands throw down your R just behind them. You'll get a flash and or a kill if they have no escape and your adc is supporting the all in.

Hope this helps, and "Just wait until my seeds take root ;)"
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Snorlaxiar
Snorlaxiar Zyra Guide
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One Shot Zyra - The Support / Mid Carry

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