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Soraka Build Guide by I Play Naked

Support One Trick Soraka Guide

Support One Trick Soraka Guide

Updated on October 22, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author I Play Naked Build Guide By I Play Naked 4,211 Views 0 Comments
4,211 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author I Play Naked Soraka Build Guide By I Play Naked Updated on October 22, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Laning Phase

Remember what you want to do in laning phase is just let your adc farm without the threat of having to go B to base because hes low hp

if you need to heal TRY to hit your Q first, as it will boost your heal with a HOT (Heal over time)if you cant land your Q then just heal, make sure your adc has health.

(You can stop healing the adc if his health is 95% WHILE HES FARMING, as they usually have some kind of life steal and can usually get the 5% back by themselves. Note that you should always heal the adc to 100% during fights)

All of that is easy to do, the hardest part is positioning with Soraka, you dont even want to be ontop of your adc, as an AOE will end you. Try to always be a few steps to the SIDE of the adc, as being behind them gives no pressure on them from being hit by your Q's

Always work on your positioning
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Pros / Cons


    Useful even if behind
    Global game changing ult
    Best healing support in the game
    Easy to play, slow to master but very rewarding to master
    Low cooldowns at higher levels


    No hard CC
    No Wave clear
    Low Mobility
    Unable to do much vs champions with high sticking power eg. Singed, Rammus

Soraka is a Passive/Reactive player, and this goes into the pros or cons list based on your own personal preference
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League of Legends Build Guide Author I Play Naked
I Play Naked Soraka Guide
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One Trick Soraka Guide

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