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Soraka Build Guide by iCallMidSeriod



Updated on February 18, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author iCallMidSeriod Build Guide By iCallMidSeriod 171,158 Views 0 Comments
171,158 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author iCallMidSeriod Soraka Build Guide By iCallMidSeriod Updated on February 18, 2014
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Hello, I am Seriod, a level 30, sadly, Bronze Division II, yet I have many Platinum (5), Gold (7), Silver (12) friends. I have created this build because about a half of my friends played Soraka, and most of them played AD Soraka before and had a great and fun experience, so I created this build for you guys. Enjoy the build and watch it dominate!
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Ranked Play

In ranked, you might want to start off one Long Sword and Health Potion and try to stay in lane until you have enough gold for your Bilgewater Cutlass. Try not to die and recall to get that item. You may want to get heal a little early, if challenging a top lane crowd controller (ex. Riven, Renek, Jax), or just bursters (ex. Yi). Also, ask your jungler for ganks, unless you are dominating the lane.
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Pros / Cons

Cons(These are only some cons)
[*] Soraka CAN NOT activate Infuse on herself, making it hard for her to only poke with her Q.
[*] Soraka's heal uses up a lot of mana.
Pros(These are only some pros)
[*] Soraka's silence does a fair amount of damage, and uses no mana
[*] Soraka's Q has very little cooldown
[*] Soraka can heal everybody including herself when her ultimate is activated.
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Soraka, is easy to for farming. I had once gotten 294 creep score with Soraka in Solo Lane Top. If you want to farm easily, you may want to use your Q and E, your E to last hit, your Q is clear out a wave/last hit. If there are a lot of minions, use your W, healing you for a little amount of health.
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Soraka in teamfights works out really well, but there is a really good chance you might get very little kills in teamfights. Soraka's Q, E, and R really help her and her team in teamfights. Her Q, deals damage all enemy champions in range, which is really helpful especially in 5v5 teamfights. Her E allows her to silence one target so they cannot cast any spells for a brief duration. It is good to use it on an enemy champion that got a lot of kills/creeps, or good for healing a teammate's mana. Her ultimate (R), heals the entire team in the fight, healing over 200 health to all teammates.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author iCallMidSeriod
iCallMidSeriod Soraka Guide
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