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Orianna Build Guide by Mignion

Orianna: Heavy AP Assassin

Orianna: Heavy AP Assassin

Updated on June 27, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mignion Build Guide By Mignion 3,770 Views 0 Comments
3,770 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mignion Orianna Build Guide By Mignion Updated on June 27, 2011
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Basic Health, AP, and Magic Pen will be useful for beginning game. You'll have a lot of AP available until you start your actual AP items.
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> Catalyst the Protector is definitely needed on Orianna, you benefit greatly from the health and mana. Anytime you level up, it's passive procs and you can stay in lane longer.

> Ionian Boots of Lucidity with Morello's Evil Tome give you your 40% cooldown, plenty of AP and a bit of mana regen.

> Rabadon's Deathcap is definitely needed. All that extra AP turns you into a killing machine. (No pun intended)


> Void Staff is generally a good item to grab if you haven't won your game by this point. Plenty of extra Magic Pen goes a long way.

> If you're having terrible issues with mana grab an Archangel's Staff, a Lich Bane or a Banshee's Veil.

> Banshee's Veil, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, or anything for survivability is good at this point.
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Summoner Spells

Obviously everyone likes their own combination of Summoner Spells. Here is what I use and why.

I REALLY enjoy Clarity so I can stay in a lane for a long time and harass like crazy, also you can throw up clarity to any low mana'd ally.

For the obvious reasons escaping.

Other Possible Spells.



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Team Work

This bit is easy.

> Stay in the back

> Spam your ball: Throw your Q and W around while using your E to shield any carry who somehow got into the middle of the scuffle to save their butts.

> Use your ULT when two or more enemies are grouped up. Using your ult on the whole enemy team is a beautiful thing.

> If you end up needing to escape in a hurry use your E on whoever is in front of you then use your W to make everyone run super fast.
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Use your Q followed by your W on the caster minions... you'll kill them every time. ((Approximately after level 7 or 8.))
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mignion
Mignion Orianna Guide
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Orianna: Heavy AP Assassin

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