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Udyr Build Guide by DarkL0rd21

Jungle Patch 5.24 THE GODYR : SOLO QUEUE's Biggest Fear

Jungle Patch 5.24 THE GODYR : SOLO QUEUE's Biggest Fear

Updated on January 8, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DarkL0rd21 Build Guide By DarkL0rd21 2,008 Views 0 Comments
2,008 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DarkL0rd21 Udyr Build Guide By DarkL0rd21 Updated on January 8, 2016
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Hello guys,this is a short guide for Udyr in patch 5.24.
It's my 1st guide ever so dont be harsh on me.

I play the EUNE server , with the same name (DaRkl0rd21).
I've had many games with Udyr and i believe he can solo carry a 1v9 match.

This guide has some knowledge taken from trick2g streams regarding the masteries, the runes and in-game stuff , plus some of the stuff i found out to be usefull.
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Ranked Play

At the moment Udyr is a good pick for solo queue since he is not really a TEAM dependant champion like amumu BUT he is a very good TEAMFIGHTER.
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Team Work

Udyr doesnt need MUCH teamwork ,taking dragons and rift heralds is kid's play for Udyr.
The only help you need to give to your team is some ganks , vision wards on the river and make sure you control the objectives.

Your team can pay you back by simply warding up tha place and make sure they dont feed hard till u have your core items + a spirit visage OR a thornmail-randuins or some other armor+hp item.
If the 2 teams are almost even by then , the game is propably gonna end in your favor.
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PRETTY SIMPLE! You control objectives such as dragons , barons, and rift heralds.
Ganking ISNT your top priority as udyr and you shouldn't be constantly trying to camp a lane OR make that gank happen (especially in the early game where udyrs damage is almost non-existant, so is his MS). You should focus on making money by farming up your jungle but also your enemy's jungle AS WELL , of course when he's ganking a lane where you cant really help or you just know he's not THERE, getting caught isnt the best think with udyr since you will always have to burn a flash or pull of some really sick juke or something (if they have you surrounded or something) <--- applies to the early game , cuz late game udyr CANT be caught.
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Well , let's prioritize some things.

When your team is losing , you aint fed the LAST thing you want to do is TEAMFIGHTS.
Teamfighting when behind will usually make it WORSE.

What to do when teams are even : FARM, PRESSURE LANES, SECURE OBJECTIVES.
If your team is dead and the enemy team is at dragon , FK IT, go to top lane for example and get a turret , NEVER EVEN THINK turning rambo and 1v5ing the enemy team , this will just fk up your status as well.

Remember the parts of the game when a team ACES , and as the enemy team members are reviving one by one they rush to save the situation and end up DYING.

Nothing else you can do that that. If the enemy team is ahead and is semi-decent , chances are they will get EVERY dragon , every baron and sometimes ALL of your jungle.

WHAT DO YOU DO ? tell your team to stay close to the turrets , ward their ***es , while you go to a lane and push so u can take some pressure off of them .

THIS build is the perfect balance between Offense and Defence, tried a lot of combinations , with cinderhulk etc.
Darkl0rd21 certified LeL.

I'll be improving the guide often.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DarkL0rd21
DarkL0rd21 Udyr Guide
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Patch 5.24 THE GODYR : SOLO QUEUE's Biggest Fear

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