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Kayle Build Guide by KIng Chet



Updated on May 29, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KIng Chet Build Guide By KIng Chet 2,133 Views 0 Comments
2,133 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KIng Chet Kayle Build Guide By KIng Chet Updated on May 29, 2013
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Kayle
    Judgement Day Kayle
  • LoL Champion: Kayle

Pros / Cons

- Excellent Mix of Attack Speed and Ability Power for extremely fast Farm
- Kills opponents seemingly instant no-matter how "tanky" or "healthed up"
- Can literally win a game late game single-handedly with how quicky it can destroy turrets and nexus.

- High risk, High reward. (Very possible to get penta-kill IN GROUP battles. But almost certian death in a 3v1 or worse without ultimate. Only chance is to "w" and flash your way outta there.)

- EXTREMELY "R" Move dependent. (Could win a 3v1 or even worse WITH ultimate, but without Ultimate certian death.

- Expensive! Not to bad but need to farm or else forget it. Not very flexible build. But shouldnt have to if your good and your teammates are good :D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KIng Chet
KIng Chet Kayle Guide
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