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Udyr Build Guide by luigidragon

Tank Phoenix Udyr

Tank Phoenix Udyr

Updated on May 15, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author luigidragon Build Guide By luigidragon 6 1 164,606 Views 7 Comments
6 1 164,606 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author luigidragon Udyr Build Guide By luigidragon Updated on May 15, 2014
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Hi I'm Pants are Dragon, a CHALLENGER solo queue player, also subbed for Complexity Gaming once in the NACL and I've been playing since the release of Nocturne, my first champion was Teemo and I grew in love with his champion select quote "Captain Teemo on Duty" and ultimately the game. I actually didn't make my name, it was given to me by Riot! My old name was jlzzdragon and then Riot changed my name to this and I feel like I was trolled to oblivion, but at the same time I grew with great power, and from that day I knew I would be one of the best!

For those interested, here's my summoner profile:

Udyr is a tanky, bruiser jungler. I'm pretty sure Udyr has the best base stats in the game and you'll see that early game as when people try to fight him he somehow comes on top, he's one of those champions who can be annoying in the game because he can not be chased down as his bear stance will let him run all over the map. He's got great clears and his sustain is good too, overall can be a strong champion in the game.

Check me out on youtube, I make video guides on champions and full commentaries and more.

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... Greater Mark of Attack Speed
Greater Seal of Scaling Health
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed

With the new patch, scaling health is the way to go since you won't be fighting people as much and you aren't a laner.

Quintessences and Marks I'll take attack speed runes just for faster clears, We'll also need attack speed for faster clears and the reason I don't take movement speed on Udyr anymore is because of the buff to attack speed quints.

For glyphs I'll take magic resist scaling because for the jungle we won't need magic resist early since we are taking mainly physical damage from everywhere.
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We'll go a bunch in defense tree, there's really nothing for Udyr to take and scale off of in the offense tree. The defense tree presents a lot of great masteries and Udyr doesn't really scale well with the offense tree unless he's tiger.

Defense tree provides a lot of % reduced damage with huge numbers for certain conditions which to me seems really OP, and of course flat armor and magic resist to just give us some natural resists to damages. The best mastery of course is perseverance which works real well against poke comps and of course in a team fight when you get real low. Taking tough skin definitely helps the damage to jungle and reducing the damage taken. But basically the whole tree gives a bunch of % for a certain attribute and it's never 1% its always around 3% or more.

The utility tree provides Udyr with movement speed, some early game mana regen because he does lack the sustain. Also the longer we have buffs the more we can clear, gank and grab us some kills.
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Starting Items

+ x5 +

Basic start for a jungler, need health potions to survive early game jungle and machete helps us clear it, I take warding totem early but sell it later as wards are needed for early game.

Early Game


Get Wriggle's Lantern as it's probably the best item for Udyr since we don't need Spectral Wraith or Elder Lizard since Udyr's scaling for Phoenix is meh, and he's got strong base damage. The HP will make us overall more tankier and it also gives us some tenacity so that we can't be locked down in team fights.

Ninja tabi is probably the best for Udyr or 2nd to mobility boots in situational purposes, as it makes him very defensive against AD champions and add his turtle stance shield, he'll be hard to take down early-mid.

Mid Game

+ +

You can get either Spirit Visage or Banshee's veil, Spirit Visage does give us cooldown reduction and it does have synergy with our W (life steal). So you can be life stealing more with the trinity force proc's + turtle stance, and once you get your Warmog's you'll have a lot of sustain.

Once you get Randuin's Omen you lessen the enemy ADC's DPS if he focuses you, and of course it gives a lot more HP. The active is great for added crowd control to your kit since it's an AoE slow around you for quite a decent duration.

Trinity Force is very viable on Udyr as he can sheen proc it every time the cooldown refreshes on Trinity Force, he scales with the phage proc on-hit because his E and passive increase % movement speed which scales with a flat amount increase, and the extra attack speed will help our damage a bit, though the critical strike might be weak because we don't have an AD on us. Trinity Force makes you a super bruiser, but it doesn't give any defensive stats except HP so beware. Skip if behind though.

Sell your warding trinket and get sweeping lens, this item will be your oracles from season 3 and upgrade it when you need to actually have to clear a certain area as it gives you oracles for 10 seconds.

Late Game

Late game, you should refer to the situational items as it's a bit vague on what you should build right now as there are multiple situations that may happen, like if you need more damage or you need more tank etc.

I get Warmog's Armor because we already have the resists to reduce damage so all we need is HP to actually take in those reduced damage hits, and the passive is great so we can sustain ourselves.

If you are super fed and want to do some damage, this item is what you want to be a threat in team fights. HP and Armor are good stats for any kind of tank.

This item should only be gotten if you want to win 1 team fight, because it's a somewhat less valued item without the passive to revive you. As the stats for it's value is not worth it without the passive.

We have an aura for our team so our team fights will be better since magic damage will be lesser and of course an AoE health shield which gives everyone an extra 100 HP or so.

The alternative to trinity force, gives us some CC other than bear stance and a sheen proc. Ability power is decent but Udyr's AP ratios are bad and also gives us some cooldown reduction and armor. Good item

Good item on Udyr, gives us cooldown reduction, a lot of armor (helps with our 6 second 220 HP turtle stance), and attack speed reduction aura.

Attack speed to proc our R more (although it isn't needed as much since we can reactivate phoenix to proc the cone damage), but it also helps our R to do more damage because we'll be shredding there magic resist, also gives us magic resist so can be used against magic damage users.
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Skill Sequence

This is a Phoenix Udyr guide and not tiger, I find that Phoenix is the best Udyr because it has high base damage while tiger has very strong base damage but it does fall off because you need to make it scale with AD and Phoenix brings a free sunfire + cone of fire damage.

Max R first as it is our main damage and clearing skill.

2nd you'll want to max turtle as it'll give you 220 health every 6 seconds ( also reduced with cooldown ) which will make you very tanky. I would consider maxing bear for more roaming but a person said to me once that if you aren't going to catch him with level 1 bear and boots + your passive + runes and masteries, then you aren't going to catch him with level 2 bear+.

3rd you'll max out bear because we don't need points in tiger, maybe one point around level 12 just for an added burst damage but other than that stick to bear stance for more chase, kite and mobility.

Last put the remaining points into Q, as that's the only thing you can get.
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Monkey agility (Passive)

Bridge Between is a great passive, as it gives you incentive to keep switching stances for the added attack speed. You should always have your eye on this when looking at your buffs as when it's about to go on cooldown you'll want to switch to another stance (unless you don't have the mana to keep switching stances or no blue buff).

The stance rotating theory and combo goes like this with Udyr, especially in a team fight
Your first skill should be bear stance to stun them.
Then you should immediately switch to phoenix stance to deal damage.
Then to turtle stance for the shield.
Back to bear for stun and repeat.
Put in tiger somewhere around there when you get level 18.

This is how you get maximum efficiency with Udyr on his stance switching while getting the effects of each skill individually and of course the stance persistent effect while having monkey agility up at full times, it also makes the effect of each active efficient since they'll be coming back up on cooldown soon in this rotation.

Tiger Stance

Wilding Claw - Tiger stance is one of the strongest level 1 skills, as it has a good AD scaling level 1, strong base damage, gives you attack speed and gives you 15% more auto attack damage. But the reason it is not useful for Udyr and I don't go it is because it does fall off late game, and it is single target damage so clears won't be as fast as phoenix and it's mostly burst damage. Phoenix is constant good damage, gives you a free sunfire cape and a burst every 3 auto attacks.

Turtle Stance

Iron Mantle - Turtle stance is one of the great shields in the game (for non AP users), as it is on a very low cooldown and gives you 220 health every 6 seconds, which is why Udyr can be very tanky with even just some resists mid game as you can see. The life steal will help you sustain for the jungle also.

Bear Stance

Blazing Stampede - Bear stance makes Udyr that person where you just don't want to chase and scary if he charges after you, as it makes him extremely mobile around the map once he gets some levels into it. Note that it can stun a person for 1 second every 6 seconds if you auto him, so if you feel that someone in a team fight hasn't been stunned in a while make sure to hit him. It's also a great peeling tool because you can stop a bruiser for that 1 second and your ADC can make a gap between that bruiser and him so that he can start auto attacking him. Also lets Udyr to stick to people if he became a bruiser with trinity force.

Phoenix Stance

Wingborne Storm - Phoenix stance is Udyr's bread and butter skill, very good base damage, gives us a better version of sunfire cape at level 5 and a good burst damage when 1st time striking someone when activated + damaging enemies behind him. 200 damage is a lot for 1 auto attack when activated, add that it'll proc every 3 auto attacks there after if the phoenix stance is still active. This damage is AoE and potentially will do more than tiger stance in the end in team fights, and clearing wise is overall better since AoE.
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Early Game

Udyr has mediocre ganks and very fast clears. Attack speed will make us help his early game clears by proc'ing phoenix stance more, and he's got a lot of sustain from the shield from his turtle stance and life steal from it. His ganks are good if you can get into melee range which can be hard sometimes if the enemy can out run you or CC you, (bot lane is one of the hardest to gank for Udyr without any help from your bot lane (ex: Nami bubble, Vayne Condemn, Draven E). But once you can get in melee range, red buff, MS to stick to him, phoenix stance constantly doing damage, potential dive with turtle stance + Udyr's high base stats etc.

Usually when I jungle Udyr, I have the mentality of ganking 30% and farming 70% since his clears are decently fast and his ganks can be unreliable unless he can land everything, only I will jungle if my smite is up or if I have stacks up from the jungle item or if I can't find a gank (by analyzing situations), Udyr can gank heavily if he finds over extending lanes and can get behind them so he'll indefinitely be in melee range instead of relying on team mates CC. This means I will go behind cliffs, try and get behind enemy laners so that they'll have to run through me to get to the tower.
Always keep tabs on your blue buff/red buff and do them immediately or have some ward coverage so the enemy jungler doesn't steal it, he will steal your red buff (blue side) if you're ganking top and he notices you started there and it's 7:15 minutes. These are general rules I go by, but if you can get a kill and lose a buff it's worth it in my opinion so if you think you can get a kill go for it.

Some Junglers out there will not keep tabs on their buff, and at 7:15 if you know he started blue on purple side and you see him ganking top, that's a free blue for you. Little notes like these will make you a better counter jungler and player.

Gank Combo

A successful gank must involve you getting in range for bear stance, once you've reached the target with an auto attack in bear stance you've basically successfully got the gank, and then you started whaling on him with phoenix stance and just trying to take him down, if your taking too much damage switch to turtle stance. It relies all on you to determine if you can get in melee range by just looking at the situation to see if you can or not.

Udyr is a great duelist, not because of phoenix stance damage (there's a lot like it that does as much damage as it) but because of how great Udyr's base stats are. Turtle stance makes him tank some damage and sustain himself in 1v1s. Bear stance to hunt people down and of course to initiate the fight, this is why I consider Udyr a good counter jungler, because early levels he can fight other people and probably come out on top, bear stance can get him out of sticky situations but it can't hop over walls like Jarvan.
When to do Dragon
  1. Bot Lane is dead. Reason: When doing dragon, it would be a 4v2 if they try to contest it.
  2. You see bot lane recall and your mid and bot lane help do dragon (your team has to have immediate reaction from you and your teammates).
  3. Mid laner down. Reason: Mid is basically worth 1.5x of an ADC early game, because of the level advantage. So you have a clear advantage at dragon.
  4. You feel confident on doing it. You feel that the enemy team won't contest, feeling more powerful, etc.
  5. Vision warded or sweeping lens'd, can solo or ask for some help.
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Creeping / Jungling

How to Effectively do Jungle Creeps
Level 1 : R
Level 2 : R - AAx3 - W

Conserve mana for ganks if you need to, as early game Udyr's mana costs are high.

Blue Side Route
1. Red (smite)
2. Wraiths
3. Blue (smite)
4. Gank or Super Wraith
5. Wolves
6. Wraiths
7. Golems

When ganking:
- If he flashes and has no other escapes, it's best to flash with him and go for blood as long as you have the distance to kill him (half a lane maybe?) and hes chunked HARD as you have red buff to stick to him, Udyr can stick with the extra movement speed from his kit and such, and follow up with the phoenix stance damage. Your goal is to get in melee range by any means necessary.
- Usual Combo: E - R - W

Purple Side Route
1. Blue (smite)
2. Wolves
3. Red (smite)
4. Gank or Golems
5. Wraiths
6. Wolves
7. Super Wraith

Ganking Mid Lane

Udyr is good at ganking mid if he can get in to land the stun, he's got good follow up and if you can land the stun you basically successfully hit the gank, since your mid has to re-position to follow up on your initiation (like Orianna ult). Preferably you'll want to let your mid CC first before you land unless you gotta blow a flash to stun if your sure you can get a kill.
Someone like Zed is even killable, like if you lock him down before he can use his W to escape the burst from you and your mid laner he can't even get away with his W fast enough. Since stuns and knock up prevent him from using his W, but slows don't really matter unless he's over extending.

Ganking Bottom Lane

The hardest lane to gank, this lane is probably the trickiest to pull off as everything is warded most of the time. I will be talking about this from blue side perspective.

Ganking this lane is actually the hardest lane to gank, most of the time you won't be the initiator and you'll want your bot lane to initiate so you can run in and get in melee range for a stun. If you can land the stun the gank is successful and you will either get a kill or blow a flash. After you have landed the stun, follow up with phoenix stance and if they try to take you down activate turtle stance.

This lane is usually warded though and you'll need your bot lane to feed you information on where the wards are, and also if your bot lane relies on you to land the stun first, then hopefully you have a Leona or someone with some high CC to lock them down if they are trying to knock away you (Draven, Vayne, Alistar). Oh, especially against an Alistar I don't think you can even touch the enemy.


Start with E as it gives you CC, if you already have enough CC take R.


The dragon comes up every 6 minutes, knowing when to dragon is key, remember its every 6 minutes and you need to have some sort of advantage most of the time when doing it.

Baron Nashor

The Baron comes up every 7 minutes, Udyr can tank it for a long time as long as he has armor and with turtle stance, very long time.

Counter Jungling

Udyr is a good counter jungler, because early levels he can fight other people and probably come out on top, bear stance can get him out of sticky situations but it can't hop over walls like Jarvan so I'd rate his escapes bad but definitely can clear camps fast, if he gets real tanky and snowbally early not even the enemy jungler calling for back up can stop him if he needs to escape.

A good way to go in there jungle is when you have vision of the enemy jungler, having that gives you an idea of what to do in a jungle for example, say he's ganking bot lane at 7:15 when he should be getting his buffs is like saying free buffs for Udyr.

Counter Ganking:

Find your enemy jungler, then set up in a place where he will come and you can come kill the enemy jungler or whoever is squishier with your allied laner, make sure to pick a target that you can burst and your ally knows it, or else the disperse damage could cause you to die.
Udyr is a decent counter ganker, he can probably 2v2 most situations but he's not as good in getting into frey like Lee Sin with his safeguard.

How to Spike Objectives

R + smite, should do 1200 damage.
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Mid Game

Mid game you should have Trinity Force for team fights, as it provides great stats for you and your team or some tanky items if you didn't do as well. You should also sell your warding totem and get a sweeper lens to get some control over the map and on objectives like dragon and baron.

This is where also the best team fights come alive, since everyone is around level 13 and multiple variables happen instead of late game where it's peel for carries and kill the crowd controlled guy.

This is where Udyr can take in a lot of damage and deal a lot of damage. Udyr does not have any poke and is all melee, he can however be good at sieging by tanking a few hits from the tower for your team to siege. He should be looking for monster objectives to secure, and picking people off left and right. If you are really fed you can even try to split push or push a lot of lanes to get some map pressure and take objectives. Udyr is really good at skirmishing as in team fights he can get kited since he's full melee. Udyr's strength is early game and especially mid game.

Try to find objectives to secure if you have an advantage and push with your advantage.

Also you should be keeping track of objectives on timers like dragon and baron, 6 minutes for dragon and 7 minutes for baron.
Team fighting will be referred to the team fights section so remember to look at that!
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Late Game

You should have a Randuin's Omen at this time as the enemy ADC should have a Bloodthirster/ Infinity Edge + Phantom Dancer and will do tons of damage. Attack Speed reduction will cut a ADC's DPS massively, although once he gets that last whisper, he'll still be doing tons of damage. Just remember when you're chunked to disengage/retreat to an ally and let them switch focus off you.

Spirit Visage will help you rotate through stances and sort of help life steal with your auto attacks + tri force procs etc.

Udyr falls off HARD late game, because resists become futile with Last Whisper and Void Staff. He's also really easy to kite, and his shield falls off because it's been 220 health since level 11 and by now your level 18 and everyone has there most damaging skills and items, making him a target to easily burst down. He can't initiate and run around team fights like he used to and is forced to front line peel and probably at this time can't even reach the squishies without dying. His damage does fall off a bit and well, he only has 1 CC and will probably be forced to use it to peel for his team always in this stage.
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Team Work

What is your role in a team fight? : Tank, Disrupter, Bruiser, Peeler

The bruiser, is the one who does a lot of sustained damage and can tank a few hits

The tank, is the one who can survive a lot of damage while bringing CC.

The disrupter, is the one who can keep crowd controling someone constantly in a team fight.

The peeler, always by there carries side to kill whoever's trying to kill them.

What do you do with your skills?

- This is used if you are going full aggression for damage and you don't need the shield from turtle or stun from bear, since it's low level you will not use it as the main damage source.

- This should be used if your taking damage immediately, as you'll want to shave off some of that damage with your shield obviously, don't think about the life steal part of this skill in a fight just think of it as the shield.

- This should be your first skill to use, find the nearest targets to bear stun, usually you'll want to hit the nearest targets around you atleast once and most of the time you won't be getting to the squishies with the kite on there team unless they are stupid, but unless your going to be focusing one target just use this once and switch to phoenix stance. Also use this to move around the battlefield faster.

- This is used when you have bear stunned someone and can follow up with some phoenix damage, just keep sticking to someone and keep that damage onto someone, this is used to even damage bruisers and just try to find the closest thing to auto attack.

What positioning should you have?

Being your front line, ready to take some damage and in front of your carries trying to damage whoever your team is focusing, which should be the most vulnerable target that looks like he's going to die (some general ideas: closest, HP, is CC'd?).

If you see someone trying to dive onto your carry (ex: Irelia, Jax) you MUST switch focus to them so your carry can keep doing damage and not die in the team fight. Your stun should be enough and then try to focus him down with phoenix stance, if incoming damage comes then turn on the turtle.

Once your HP is low, you should only attack someone when you can get in melee range and not die, if you see the enemies cooldowns are down thats another point to make. Remember you want to always be surviving throughout the whole fight and that's your goal, but you still want to have presence in a fight even with low HP. Use rupture and feral scream from a range so that you don't die in the team fight if your low.
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Udyr is a tanky, bruiser jungler. I'm pretty sure Udyr has the best base stats in the game and you'll see that early game as when people try to fight him he somehow comes on top, he's one of those champions who can be annoying in the game because he can not be chased down as his bear stance will let him run all over the map. He's got great clears and his sustain is good too, overall can be a strong champion in the game.

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