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Twitch Build Guide by Katastropik

ADC Pins and needles! Twitch ADC Guide (8.1)

ADC Pins and needles! Twitch ADC Guide (8.1)

Updated on January 23, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Katastropik Build Guide By Katastropik 68,045 Views 3 Comments
68,045 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Katastropik Twitch Build Guide By Katastropik Updated on January 23, 2018
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Hi and welcome to my Twitch guide. Ive been playing Twitch for more then 2 years now so i think i know something about the champion. I like to try and experiment with builds so this guide is what i think is the most effective.

Twitch has been one of my favorite champions in the game since i started playing. He has a very assassin like playstyle and that is exactly what i love about playing Twitch. Keep in mind that if u play Twitch ur laning phase is gonna be quite hard due to the short range. Most other ADC's outrange Twitch ( Caitlyn, Jhin) or they have more early damage ( Lucian for example).
Also a little bit of pointless (tho recent) prove that i can in fact play Twitch:
Also for now this guide is pretty limited but if its appriciated by some people i will most like make it a full guide.
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Pros / Cons

- Unique Assassin playstyle makes him hard to play against.
- Great escape/engage thanks to Ambush
- Contaminate is great for exxecutions
- Scales very good into late game
- Spray and Pray is amazing in teamfights but also very usefull in a 1v1

- Hard Laning Phase
- If u die in a late game teamfight ur team loses 80% of their damage
- Can't do to much when being focussed/Not being protected well.
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I Have items listed above and created notes for explanation.
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Skill Sequence

Skill Sequence doesnt change but u can take a point in Venom Cask lvl1 if u want. This gives u more zoning in hard lanes. You want to max Spray and Pray first for obvious reasons, then Contaminate for the extra damage. Ambush third for the longer camouflage and extra attacks speed. max Venom Cask last.
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Underrated Passive. Gives u some trading potential early game and works well with ur Contaminate. You will want to refresh this passive whenever possible to keep the stacks up. So if u AA a champion level 1 you will do 6 extra damage. If u AA them again within 6 seconds u get a double stack for the next 6 seconds. in total you will do 6 + 12 = 18 damage. if u AA them after 6 seconds you will do a total of 12 damage becouse you will have only 1 stack on them the next 6 seconds.


This is what makes Twitch have his Assassin like playstyle. Remember it is camouflage not stealt so enemy can still see u when u get really close to them. Ambush works great when picking of 1 enemy but its also great to use just before a teamfight. it gives a huge attack speed buff right after so using Spray and Pray after gives Twitch huge AOE damage.


This gives Twitch his only waveclear spell he has. You want to use this spell right after Ambush. When you use Ambush to assassinate an enemy AA them first then Venom Cask them for a slow and free stacks of venom.


Twitch his main trading spell in lane. Try to get at least 4 stacks on to them before using it. Contaminate is a great tool for finishing of enemys who have left ur AA range or just to burst people in between AA. Later in the game this spell becomes less important becouse of the damage ur AA will do. Its still great for finishing of People or for bursts of damage in between.


This makes Twitch the late game hypercarry that he is. Spray and Pray combined with Runaan's Hurricane makes Twitch do insane amounts of damage in teamfights. Its also usefull when assassinating becouse it gives you some extra AD. You will want to use this spell just after u left Ambush to combine it with the attack speed buff.
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Summoner Spells

Flash and Heal are standard summoners for every adc and Twitch is no exeption.

Flash: Very usefull both offensive and defensive or to reposition in a teamfight.
Heal: You take Heal because ADC's do an insane amount of DPS and staying alive longer gives u those extra second(s) to deal more damage. This damage is usually more then an Ignite could give you. It also gives a small movement speed boost with can also be used offensive and defensive.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Katastropik
Katastropik Twitch Guide
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Pins and needles! Twitch ADC Guide (8.1)

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