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Only in the late game means real trouble, also you cannot stop with W. Early game you can punish him really well and try to counter jungle him. Also he vulnerable to stuns, so always E first then beating him up.
A well timed W can save your life, you can 1v1 him easily, in team fights he is a key figure so you can try to remove him with your E.
Be tanky and you good, watch out for his late game, try counter jungle him, place wards to know his movement. Oh also thornmail, thornmail and thornmail.
Rare jungler, but lacks the wave clear. You can beat her up, just watch out for her E.
Really strong early game, don't trade too much and try to kill him with your laner as you won't stand a chance. Worth placing wards to know his movement as you not really want to face him in your jungle.
As you tanky he doesn't faces any real threat to you.
Skill matchup, if you time your W well, then he lost the fight.
Again just a W and you won, but he can make surprises. Challenge him who the fastest in the jungle, some horseboy or the mighty Popper?
Since recent buff to his JG kit, he can be annoying for you as clears monsters fast. Mostly roaming lanes to gank, but when you face him, time your W well and bait his E out so you can have a clear road ahead.
W counters him too, timing, timing.
You can counter his ult with W, leaving him vulnerable. His Q is still dangerous and the healing is insane. Armoring up and Ice Gauntlet advised. Ward the rivers too to check his movement as if you low HP he will dive you.
Pokechamp and CC, annoying, but killable.
He's slow as hell and can't stop the fast Popper, just beware of his ultimate and thats all you should be concerned.
His smoke can deny your E, so you can't stun him. Other than that, not much of a threat.
You can punish her in the early game very well, if you face her try to invade and counter jungle as much you can. If your laners won't feed her and can't really farm then not much of a threat.
Lee Sin
His early game is strong, so don't even think facing him, later you can counter him well with a well timed W. Yes even his Q and E.
Avoid her poke and you can all in on her.
Try to stun with E, but keep in mind he can block with his W. Little armor won't hurt too.
Stack up on armor, you won't have much problem with him, but in a 2v1 situation you will.
Jumpy boy can't touch you with a W on. Then just smash his face.
Randuin is good against him, if he abusing you a lot in the early game consider buying it.
I hate spiders, Poppy too. Luckily you have a hammer. E and Q. Done.
Rare occasion to see him. If you see the Greenpeace guy just beware the stun and Daisy. Beware Daisy.
Jarvan IV
Perfectly countering him. When he ults he even helps you to E on him for stun.
Edgy guy, If he good and goes for Rhaast then beware Rhaast. Other than that Blue Kayn is not much of a challange.
So many jumps from so many junglers, yet Poppy has W.
You can beat her up easily. Watch out for her charge and you good. Catch her charge and you're not so good.
Strong early game, then you beat him, watch out for his ult and the crits too.
The recent mini-rework made him really good and since he's not a casual assasin to jump on you or whatsoever, you can't do much against him. If you E on the real Shaco you can remove him, but usually they always have a trick to pull on you.
Lands Q and you have an easy job to E smash them to the wall. Other wise Poppy is versatile and has great synergy with most champs, either you stun and they smack them or they engage with cc and you smack them.
Lands Q and you have an easy job to E smash them to the wall. Other wise Poppy is versatile and has great synergy with most champs, either you stun and they smack them or they engage with cc and you smack them.
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