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Iron Ambassador (PASSIVE)
Poppy Passive Ability
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After test Poppy I find some problems that I tryed to fix, like the mana...the damage of basic attacks...things like those.
Something I always see in other builds is, in top lane, everyone buy a lot of tank objects (Barely all) to resist more, and poppy don't really need it, her base defense is so high, (even more in after the preseason plus her W) you just need a bit more damage, cooldown and speed.
Personally I have to say I've been playing jungle for a long time, and Poppy is the only champion I use now as a main jungle, and I haven't found any champion that could be a counter of her...So Let's begin!
Hi hi!! My name is Powfooo.
I've been playing League of legends for a long time, I started as ADC, I used to be main jinx but I always had a problem: As ADC I depend of my support, and I hate that.
I love to play alone, that's because I started to play other lines alone, then I discovered the Jungle.
Not everyone knows what means to be a jungle, here you will learn how to be a good jungle and how to see each oportunity and don't waste time waiting for a gank.
I tested a lot of jungles and Poppy, for me, is the best one, I can't find any counter for her (If you use well her abilities)
Nowadays, I'm main jungle, and playing Poppy, is a bit hard have a bad game, and with " A bad game" I mean die a lot.
Normally in all games you will kill a lot, but you need to help your team mates too, you will be a good tank and you will deal a lot of damage.
Nowadays, I'm playing in a competitive team, and use poppy with this build when we play together is something very usefull because of the combination of the abilities, you will always help your team no matter you choose.
So let's begin the explanation of the build.
Aftershock is the obvious selection for poppy, if you can stun them with your E, is so easy to trigger it.
Font of Life Is the best option, you don't only have your E to trigger it, you also have your R, so mark the champion everyone will focus and have fun.
Conditioning Is the only option, you can not heal yourself, so this will help you in mid game.
Revitalize Will grant you a bigger shield farming in the jungle or fighting against champions.
Domination is something you can find very useful, why?
Zombie Ward will help you a lot, to you and your team, when you use your red trinked to destroy a ward, you will put one zombie ward automatically, which gives you and your team more vision without wasting wards.
Cheap Shot With your E will make you win every 1 vs 1, and if you catch someone well in team fight, it will be automatically a 4 vs 5.
The second path is something you can change if you don't find it confortable to your game way.
In early game you will barely have damage, but you will be very tanky, so use this advantage and change the second path if you need.
There's something you need to know about poppy.
Meaby you can see her as a "Noob champ" a champ very easy to play, but her combos are not.
The ability which deals more damage is your passive, strange right? wanna know something
even more strange? it goes AP.
Before the preseason I used to play Poppy with thunderlord, why?
R: Think about your Combo, you start with your E, stun then, then your Q, and before the
explotion tiggers, you use a basic attack = the shield, which triggers the thunderlord, dealing the magic damage, plus the charges of the Dead Man's Plate plus the Sheen
of your trinity...You understand the damage right?
Now is not really useful to use the thunderlord because of the combo of the runes, but you can still do the combo objects, plus the attack speed of the Trinity Force will help you to farm faster, and the HP that the Trinity granst to you will help to reach the 2750 HP for the effect of the warmog if you make it.
Your smite plus the trinked, will help you to clean the jungle and give vision to your team and don't forget the Zombie Ward combo.
Have something in mind, you need a tank/bruiser build, but you can make some damage.
First of all, you need to know what you can or what you can't do.
It's true that, in the late game, you can tank barely everything, but in early game you can't, that's because you need to know how your abilities work.
Iron Ambassador Is your passive, it will help you a lot to fight against monsters and champions. Something you need to know is, if you kill something with it, it will come back to you, meaby if you are in a lane, hit a minion with it can be a good combo.
Hammer Shock Is your main ability to do damage.
Remember something, it has two steps, the hit and the explotion, so if a champion is running away from you, use Flash and then Hammer Shock just where he tries to go.
Steadfast Presence This is your counter against each champion who has abilities to increase his speed, like Ahri or Lee Sin that's because if the enemy team pick Lee Sin The jungle is yours.
Use this just before a gank.
Heroic Charge This is your E, there's something bad, if you don't make him to collide with a wall, it could be a bit useless, so wait and look the oportunities.
Keeper's Verdict I haven't seen any Poppy who use well this ability.
This is not just to throw away your enemies from you, if you use your R and then you click to use it, it will make fly your enemy up to you, but not away from you.
It will give you time to let your abilities be recharged.
So, the combo is, if you are going to gank: W ->(Meaby flash) E -> Q -> R -> Q
Anyone can resist this.
Have Fun~
Her defense is so high.
Her attack is so high, even if you go tanky
If you can use well your R to Throw away one champion if two enemies follow you, the other is yours.
Your W is so powerful, there a lot of Lee Sin in games, and you counter them.
The smite in Poppy if a powerful weapon, as well as her shield.
Can beat barely any other jungler/champion if you do things well.
She could be a bit slow in early game
If you can't hit your E, you can't do anything
Personally, I have to say that Poppy is my favourite champion, because even if you have a bad game, you can kill a lot and be useful for your team
Barely everyone is a bit wrong with what means to be a jungle (In part)
A jungle is not someone who must help the team, a jungle is an advantage, which means, you don't have to go to a lane just to help a team mate with low life because he is asking, if it's not safe to gank because there's no wards in line means that you are blind, so tell him to back and stay close.
After that, you can gank top or mid.
Don't worry, with the help of your team mate you can kill the enemy or, at least, make him run away and back.
With this, don't forget to buy Sweeping Lens and upgrade them at level 9, with this, you can use them in the brushes to know if there's some ward to know if it is a safe gank.
A jungle is not someone who must help the team, a jungle is an advantage, which means, you don't have to go to a lane just to help a team mate with low life because he is asking, if it's not safe to gank because there's no wards in line means that you are blind, so tell him to back and stay close.
After that, you can gank top or mid.
Don't worry, with the help of your team mate you can kill the enemy or, at least, make him run away and back.
With this, don't forget to buy Sweeping Lens and upgrade them at level 9, with this, you can use them in the brushes to know if there's some ward to know if it is a safe gank.
There's something important you need to know as jungle, when Kill or when let kill.
TOP: Let the first kill to the top, if he kills first and he is good, you can forget about top, it will be safe.
MID: Take the first kill, and then you can go bot
Bot: If you killed in mid, go bot and one kill for you and one for the ADC, if you follow all this, it's barely a GG.
Something Funny: When I play I try to make a target, and don't let him play, being close in that line and gank each time I can, with this method you and your laner will be feeded and is a phycological game, he will be nervous, he will be angry, will pay it with the jungle of his team, and then the other jungle will have to go to that lane, if you see him, stay back, make him waste time.
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