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respect him always, however try to take advantage of his low mobility and play around that cage, once he scales he hurts
its mainly the true damage from the ult, if the ult is down you should be good, just be careful when you get around half hp around him
his q wins him everything, e into him when the q is coming and book it, you can trade with him cuz his e is like 20sec cd
Dr. Mundo
kinda hard to push out of lane, and his ult can decide who wins a 1v1 duel in the top lane, don't let him run you down
once you are experienced you can tell what a fiora will do, use your w to keep her still and feeling uncomfortable
when it comes to aatrox i am bad at dodging his q, don't get hit by the q too much
she goes to wall, you go to her, later keep your w to keep her off your carries, she will turn the tide of the game if your w is down and her e is up
pretty annoying, get a sheen and bamis for those grasp procs and then e q in, if lane is even until then you can out trade him
respect early, mess with is passive by using your buckler, mainly his r that's troublesome, be more careful around half hp (true damage ult)
he might get the better of you in poke, but he cannot get away from you if your jungler decides to helpl you, can make for easy kills
kill the turrets first! adaptive and bamis for grasp is great
don't get hit by the e, use minions, if she ults get out and then come back, her ult sucks if you do this
she dashes a lot so use your w when minions get low for her during a gank or chase, also keep trask of what she can reset her q off of or easy exits for that nice w of yours, it will ground her of stall her
i don't see many jax players anymore, but when he ws considered op i never lost to him hard if he winds up his stun he might leap, your q is better than his autos in short trades
he might poke you, don't see jayce often, but a sheen and bamis can do a lot in an early duel or trade, you can w his hammer jump thing
don't take unnecessary damage from her unless you have warmogs, prob best to ult her in later team fights
you can poke with your passive, stand in minions to avoid his poke, he can go ad or ap so build wisely, dorans shield is really good here
don't let him prob conqueror, if he dashes onto you and you wannna get out w away and he can't follow unless his q got you, q him whenever he wants to fight and keep it short, you win in sustain
DON'T GROUP, he's very damaging in lane, don't try to kill him it becomes a pain with his attack speed slow, it's possible to kill him but a pain
he's not a mjor threat but prob beats you more than even in lane, just his passive keeps him up on you, your much better after lane in team fights, his w goes through your w
morde can be scary if he gets ahead in a 1v1, try to avoid 1v1 and beat him in the teamfight, in the sidelanes stay healthy so his ult doesn't kill you, you can buy time with your ult in his ult, once your get adaptive he still can hurt cuz of liandrys
easier in lane than late game...., you can kill him 5 times in lane but if game goes for 25+ mins he will 1v1 you, peel him off or ult him in teamfights, just stand between him and your carries, q is good here
much damage early, your can stop him in teamfights, your w can stop his q somewhat, he still gets pretty close to you
don't take long trades, take short trades, if he ults run then go in when ult is about to end, do not panic and use r or e on him when he ults unless you have the kill
your both tanks that smask each other around with % health damage, his e is easy to block with w, also his ult is pointless when next to you cuz your w stops that too, sometimes you want to run back to him just to deny the ult
haven't played against a reworked pantheon lately
what is this?! blind pick?! i dunno man just q her and bait her by standing next to a wall and pressing w when she e in, but she knows that too so just use abilities randomly, whoever has more damage faster wins xD
take short trades, if he has conqueror engage later when it's down, use your shield to trade and q, if he uses his dash once, get your w ready
her kit is countered by your w, her 3rd and most important q is easy to catch, she likes to jump walls........, but beware you are squishy pre level 6, best to fight her after you get level 3
get adaptive, he's very damaging, with rumble if you wanna win the trade you gotta stay there, be committed in trades and kill him with maybe a sheen or ad items
yall are tanks, you slap each other, keep tabs on him in lane so you can cancel his ult, that's very beneficial to your team, shen will try to hide from you if he wants to ult to he might push waves in, just always look for him
weird, he runs into you to flip you so just q him? if he puches you in it's fine to let him proxy and just take the free cs, bamis helps a lot, i do this so my jungler can help the other parts of the map, just use pings when he roams
both of you are damaging tanks early, your e cancels his q, if he ults just w around him or e a minion
Tahm Kench
this thing was a monster pre first mr item some time ago, not sure anymore tho
lot's of poke, but ganks kill him nicely, q him when he's invisible, get merc treads and adaptive fast, he can make the better of most trades so do your best to farm but don't go crazy and die, stay healthy with second wind and dorans shield
don't let him hit you early, crits hurt early, bamis into ninja tabi into randuins omen takes care of all your problems, if he e at you press w, press w near walls to block his escape, forces flash or death, q him during his ult to wait it out while keeping him at bay
his e is easy to get, he can't escape from you or engage on you, but his ult is devastating, like all the champs with executes or %health or true damage ults
sheen hurts her, grasp hurts her, try not to proc her w, might be a passive lane, is he goes invisible wait for her to show up again and then w, forces her to not go invisible or e you or flash in a teamfight
grasp bamis helps, he's a problem cuz he destroys your backline and you can't target him cuz of his w, try to stand between him and carries to block e damage
w his e, poke with your passive, if he has conqueror up disengage
slowly favors him over time, you can e out of his cage so he can't take advantage of you, i'm not sure if you can use his cage against him like jarven, your better in teamfights, to stop his splitting just focus on killing minions, warmogs helps or some health regen item like spirits visage(he can do a bit of magic damage)
I'll edit this later but Poppy is an amazing champ that I believe has a ton of potential in her. But it looks like most people don't see how good she can be in every situation. My guide is more general and based on my experience while climbing up to plat. I hope this is beneficial to new Poppy players and veteran Poppy players who want to improve their Poppy skills.
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