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Recommended Items
Runes: Lethality - Regular Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
Pyke's max health is so low, if Morgana's Q hits you, you'll probably die. Morgana can save her allies from your hook with her shield, wait for her to waste it to engage enemy ADC.
Kai'sa stacks her passive by hitting enemies, but allies can stack it too by rooting or stunning, you can stack it twice on an objective with your Q and your E, after that, her burst will be enough for leaving the objective with low HP and ult him.
Kai'sa stacks her passive by hitting enemies, but allies can stack it too by rooting or stunning, you can stack it twice on an objective with your Q and your E, after that, her burst will be enough for leaving the objective with low HP and ult him.
Champion Build Guide
- Pyke has a good damage in late.
- Pyke can feed his ADC by ulting, it's specially useful with late ADCs.
- Pyke has a good CC and potential to start fights.
- Pyke is a squishy objective and can't survive CC in fights.
- Pyke is an assassin, if enemy team has a good frontline it will be hard to him to connect ults
If enemy botlane wards the bushes buy a control ward to destroy their wards, and after upgrading your support item, remember to buy oracle lens.
if you get ganked while in the farthest bush from your tower, you can use W to scape or hide behind the rock between the bushes and go base from there, if they find you use E throush the rock and go to your tower.
team and the objective, if the enemy team goes fight it try to grab their carry and kill him so they can't win the fight without him
Burst on a lonely objective: Q + aa (x3 if you have Hail of Blades) + E
Take an enemy out from his tower: Q + E backwards
(You can also do it for taking an enemy into your tower after baiting him)
Starting a fight (From the back of the enemy): E + Q + aa (x3 if you have Hail of Blades, you can use W before the combo for going to his back invisible)
You can use E + W to scape from enemies
You can grab enemies through walls with your Q
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