Pain in the ass champion. Early game is not a threat but mid/late game you just cant kill him. He will be more usefull than you and can cc lock you even if he is behind.
Disgousting broken champ. Outscale you and she can free farm versus you. Pray to have prio in lane to be able to invade her. Otherwise go 15.
Who the fuck plays brand jungle lol.
Riot buffed this shit. Is blitzcrank lol, just destroy the game.
This matchup in jungle is much easier than mid. She clears better but if you snowball you can perma oneshot her.
The thing changes if she go sunfire. In this case this becomes a hard matchup.
Skill matchup. After 6 he becomes much difficult to kill due to obvious reasons. Try to invade him pre 6. If you can track him and you make an invade before 6 once you have serrated dirk it will be a free kill.
This matchup is based on Elise skill level. If the enemy elise is good and force invades and early plays there´s not much you can do about it.
If not you just outscale her, At level 6 your more usefull than her unless she is 20-0.
Eve cant do much against you due to her items dependency. You can perma invade her and she wont be able to contest you. Be careful on mid/late game. If you facecheck here she will delete you.
Weird matchup fiddle favored. You cant invade him early, he clears better and he is more usefull than you. But if somehow u manage to get some kills he wont be able to play the game.
I always flip a level 3 gank vs fiddle or force a invade with mid if he has prio.
The main problem is that most fiddle players are otps, so they will make you have a bad time for sure.
Gragas favored but not a major threat because he is not meta. You cant oneshot him unless you are 20-0, he has sustain, burst and is annoying to deal with. Nice he is not good at the moment.
Same as Elise, this matchup depends a lot on the Graves skill level but is a bit more difficult due to his passive (extra armor). Most Graves dont know how to play him well so you wont have much problems most of the games. If the Graves is very good this is an extreme matchup.
Almost anyone plays gwen jungle right now but is not a problem. You gank better and her early is very weak. Just invade her and play around the map, she will be just farming.
Maybe Im not being objective here because i HATE to play versus Hecarim but this is definetly not a good matchup. He farms better, scales better, is more usefull and can run you down at some point. Besides people dont know how to play versus Hecarim and he will end 20-0 every fuckin game.
He is annoying late game due to his shields but he cant do much against you.
Jarvan IV
Even if winrate is bad versus him i find this an easy matchup. Is very difficult for him to peel carrys from you. Besides his r is a wall so you can oneshot him if he lock you down or just jump it away if you are not confident.
No one plays Jax jungle.
This can be major or minor depending if he is going exhaust or not. With exhaust invade him its just a flip and he can free farm to outscale you and just press one buttom to one shot 5 people. If he goes flash you just oneshot him perma. Mid game is our best moment to kill him every teamfight with one combo.
Skill matchup. For me Rhaast can be major and blue Kayn minor if you are good.
Who ever facecheck the otherone gets oneshot. Still, he is better than you early game and can be though if he is good.
If the kindred player is good you will have a bad moment. If not she is just annoying because of his ultimate and his early invades. Same as graves and elise, depends a lot of the skill of the player.
Lee Sin
Same as kindred graves and elise.
Master Yi
Care level 2 cheese. After that you are just fine. Even tho master yi is strong af right now theres not much he can do versus you. Your w grass destroy him and you can oneshot him pretty easy.
However, if he gets fed versus you, he becomes a pain.
Unkillable tank. He can cc lock you while holding his dick with the other hand.
She farms better than you but after that, theres not much she can do vs you. If you are ahead you just oneshot her with no counterplay.
Powerfull 1vs1 and good clear. He ganks poorly so try to force ganks and get your team ahead. Late game he will just R you. I put him in even cause if you gank properly he cant do shit, but its still a tough matchup.
If she hits q you will not play. Anyway she is a bad champ and qiyana is better. Just oneshot her.
Surprisingly, this is a tough one (kind of similar as morde). He just afk farm and you cant do shit against that. Try to force early invades and gank a lot. Otherwise he will run you down mid game.
Jhingle xd
Skillmatchup. Care level 2 cheese. Same as Graves, Elise, Lee Sin and Kindred, can be extreme depending on the skill of the player. However, this is the easiest of this five in my opinion and is mostly Qiyana favored.
Easy matchup. You dont win 1vs1 unless you are fed but Nocturne is such a bad champ in my opinion.
In low elo this can be more difficult cause people cant respect his R.
Nunu & Willump
Nunuuuuuuuu. Cringe champion. He will just spam ganks. If your laners respect it, you win, if not, you lose.
I kind of find this Qiyana favored tbh. He can invade you early and be a pain in the ass but you can kite him very easy.
Assasin counter but bad jungler. He beats you 1vs1 you beat him at the map. At 6 he can be annoying.
She is annoyin in teamfights but i find it easy to snowball her. Still a tough one cause you have to play fights very slow.
Unkillable tank ad counter. Disgousting matchup.
Same as Elise, Graves,... Based on the skill level of the player. Higher the elo, harder the matchup.
Unplayable. He can invade you perma. He reveals you with his e and r and unstopabble once he get kills. He just jumps on you and you dissapear. Consider to ban him.
Unkillable tank, cc, more usefull than you,... Bad matchup.
Even if he has the early pressure and can invade you, i find this an easy matchup in general. Shaco depends a lot of snowball the game, even more than you cause this champ sucks a lot. If he doesnt get kills, he is a minion.
In low elo is free for shaco cause people dont know how to play versus invisible champs.
She outscales you but is so useless early game and very predictable. Shyvana players just afk farm and rush drakes. Make plays and invade her or go kill her in the first drake. 90% of shyvanas rush it at coldown.
Useless champ.
Her E is really annoying but you can oneshot her. If she facecheck you she dissapear, but is easy for her to play versus you. You have better gank, thats our strong point.
Skill matchup.
Tbh i have never played versus a Taric jungle with Qiyana so i dont have any idea, but i guess is an even matchup but annoying cause of his R.
Annoying champ.Strong early and better 1vs1 but you kite him easy and better in teamfights.
Is twitch jungle. Predictable and squishy. A wet dream.
I put him on extreme because he is strong af right know. He is better than Qiyana at every point of the game. Farms better, have decent gank, good doing objectives and its unkillable.
Annoying cause of his R but not a problem at all. Care early invades.
Skill matchup. Once he get some items difficult to one shot.
Annoying cause of his early and tankiness. However, he doesnt scales pretty good and is poor teamfighting. Not good but could be worst.
Bad champ. Care his early and u will be good.
Really tough matchup. His kit counter us pretty hard. Good he is not played a lot right now.
Xin Zhao
Tbh i dont know how is this matchup cause i ve just played versus 2 or 3 Xin Zhaos as Qiyana. I hate him but he is not meta rignt now (thanks god).
I guess is not a good matchup for qiyana due to xin tankiness, 1vs1 and utility with his r.
Unkillable tank difficult to deal with. His gank is nuts.
Qiyana beats Zed pretty easy. His clear is very good but we are better than him on every other aspects. If the Zed player is very good we can have some problems but is still difficult for him to play versus us.
Even if he is not a jungler this is my permaban. Right now Qiyana is pretty weak and is kind of difficult to one shot people. This man can destroy us pressing one buttom and is annoying af once the game scales.
Really good gank setup and combos with her w. Perma prio after 6. APmid AD jungle.
One of my favourite midlaners to play with.
She can setup us very good with her slows and cc.
Decent synergy if Azir is good.
Jarvan IV
His r works with yours but he is rarely played out of the jungle.
Any ap champ with gank setup works good with qiyana.
Any roamer supp like leona, pyke, nautilus, good with Qiyana because you want to fight early/mid game.
Broken champ. If you are fed you are unstopabble with this monster.
Ok synergy cause you knock up with your r but still kind of bad.
Any ad mid laner has 0 synergy with qiyana but J4.
You can r her wall plus you are ap-ad. Your cc is enough to setup Taliyah abilities but she must be quick. She can follow you with her r.
Not Anivia but very good synergy.
Really good gank setup and combos with her w. Perma prio after 6. APmid AD jungle.
One of my favourite midlaners to play with.
She can setup us very good with her slows and cc.
Decent synergy if Azir is good.
Jarvan IV
His r works with yours but he is rarely played out of the jungle.
Any ap champ with gank setup works good with qiyana.
Any roamer supp like leona, pyke, nautilus, good with Qiyana because you want to fight early/mid game.
Broken champ. If you are fed you are unstopabble with this monster.
Ok synergy cause you knock up with your r but still kind of bad.
Any ad mid laner has 0 synergy with qiyana but J4.
You can r her wall plus you are ap-ad. Your cc is enough to setup Taliyah abilities but she must be quick. She can follow you with her r.
Not Anivia but very good synergy.
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