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Vi Build Guide by Quaku

AD Offtank Quaku`s Vi

AD Offtank Quaku`s Vi

Updated on May 15, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Quaku Build Guide By Quaku 2,197 Views 0 Comments
2,197 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Quaku Vi Build Guide By Quaku Updated on May 15, 2013
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This is my very first guide so please don`t be critic too much. (And sorry for my English).

I play Vi for a long time, and I love her!
I often play Vi on Jungle, so I thought I can make a guide. Hope you enjoy.
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In my opinion Vi needs armor, so she can be pretty nice tank in early game teamfights. I also gave her some damage so she can jungle easier, and she doesn`t need help at blue buff.

With this runes, Vi can make powerfull ganks on early game.
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Those masteries make Vi a good tank and give her some additional damage. In my opinion it`s very important for her, so she can start teamfights, and kill the enemies with autoattack.
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I don`t have to say much. Those items make Vi UNSTOPPABLE. She`s very good tank and she has nice damage. She also slows enemies - Frozen Mallet. It is important to buy Frozen Mallet and Warmog`s Armor as fast as it is possible. Then she is very important in teamfights, and enemies should be afraid of her.
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Skill Sequence

For the first skill I`ve chosen "Denting Blows". It is very good for jungle, and then for Late Game fights. Then I pick "Excessive Force" and make it level 2, so it deals nice damage. As the last skill is "Vault Breaker" - I only use it for chasing people and ganking.
Her Ultimate can be also used to chase people, but I prefer to start teamfights with it.
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Pros / Cons

- Ganks
- Teamfights
- Health and Armor
- Not Bad Damage...

- But not very good Damage
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First kill Wolves, then go on Blue Buff. Then kill other monsters (without Red Buff). Make a Recall. Then make Red Buff, and done! You have both of buffs, now you can start ganks and you will jungle easily.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Quaku
Quaku Vi Guide
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Quaku`s Vi

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