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Ashe Build Guide by Jakelon

AD Carry Queen Ashe, ADC of the Frelijord

AD Carry Queen Ashe, ADC of the Frelijord

Updated on August 17, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jakelon Build Guide By Jakelon 3,727 Views 0 Comments
3,727 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jakelon Ashe Build Guide By Jakelon Updated on August 17, 2015
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Why Ashe?

Ashe was the first character I have every played in league. When I played her, she was OP until 5.whatever and then everything was nerfed to death. This was of coarse the worst day of my life. But I still won as Ashe.

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The runes above are perfect for Ashe when you are ADC

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Same as the runes, perfect for Ashe ADC

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Heal is a must for every ADC. If you do not have flash yet, use Ghost as your second Spell
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Pros / Cons

1. Built in slow
2. With right attack speed and spammed Q, she will destroy everything
3. Good at kiting and giving vision to teammate's via E

1. Burst will destroy her
2. Ult is skill shot dependent

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W is Ashe's main form of farming. When farming, don't spam W because she has low mana and low mana regen.

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Lol Ashe is good, use her often and it's just like riding a bike, you never forget any of her tricks.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jakelon
Jakelon Ashe Guide
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Queen Ashe, ADC of the Frelijord

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