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Quinn General Guide by Monkeyboytrev

AD Carry Quinn - Keep Your Head Down

AD Carry Quinn - Keep Your Head Down

Updated on March 2, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Monkeyboytrev Build Guide By Monkeyboytrev 1,162 Views 0 Comments
1,162 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Monkeyboytrev Quinn Build Guide By Monkeyboytrev Updated on March 2, 2013
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Early game

Just farm, Poke whenever valor marks a champ. you will win most trade offs because you have a blind that just overpowers many of the other adc's. this is really where i think quinn shines, if you have a good support he will intitate whenever the right time after you poke enough. quinn should win any lane if you just play passive with a bit of poke.
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mid game

This is when I usually **** up. I get way to aggressive cause the damage output is so strong. Then i begin to remember that you can't act like you are a shen or malphite you gotta just find an opportunities and take them. You will want to go full ham but just remember that your range is short, and you have to get close. Try at all costs to dodge stuns, or slows and go in if you see the cc'ers use there abilities on someone else.
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late game

Late game you just have great attack speed, you crit for about 1k, and you have GA. This is where I love life as quinn. I can go in kill their adc and mid, die, resurrect, go after jungler/top and gg. I just know if a singe person can take out a mid and adc in the time span before she dies, its op as ****.
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Thanks for reading

if you read this whole guide thanks, I really think this guide will show people that quinn's burst is going to be used in high ranking games. I will update anything the more i play her. Thanks and have a good night/day.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Monkeyboytrev
Monkeyboytrev Quinn Guide
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Quinn - Keep Your Head Down

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