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Quinn Build Guide by ChiroVaize

Assassin Quinn TOP/MID [S4] - Dominate the ladder.

Assassin Quinn TOP/MID [S4] - Dominate the ladder.

Updated on October 25, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ChiroVaize Build Guide By ChiroVaize 4,032 Views 0 Comments
4,032 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ChiroVaize Quinn Build Guide By ChiroVaize Updated on October 25, 2014
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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is a ranged-assassin Champion that can go Mid or Top Lane.
She's a fun champ to play since she almost can't be beaten by most melee Top-Laners, and
can turn the outcome by teamfights.
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Pros / Cons


+ high catch potential
+ high roaming potential
+ can dominate lane very hard
+ can burst down enemy ADC/APC very easily
+ can scout and prevent ambushes with her W
+ can run over wards fast enough for the enemies not to notice
+ amazing splitpush-potential


- if she dies, your team is pretty much lost
- squishy
- can hardly burst down enemy ADC/APC if the Support/Tank sticks with them 24/7
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Team Work

Wait for someone else to engage.
Then quickly use your Ult and path around to the enemy ADC without getting stunned/feared/snared etc.
You can easily burst the enemy ADC down with no problem.
If he has GA, kill him and run away before he is alive again and his teammates come for his help.

You can also target the enemy AP-carry if he doesn't have Zhonya's.

Try to get atleast 1 or 2 Targets down, and become a second ADC.
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Video's worth to watch

What the Moose:
I don't play rankeds, I Quinn them!

How to Top lane aka. Fourpaws:
Using your effective range.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ChiroVaize
ChiroVaize Quinn Guide
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Quinn TOP/MID [S4] - Dominate the ladder.

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