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You have more damage potential at lvl 1. Try to damage him with your double-proc as often as possible before you both reach lvl-2.
If he engages with his jump, just use your E to kite him. Use your Q before he can damage you with any AA's.
At lvl-6 he has an amazing damage-potential. DOn't fight him while his ult is active. Use your E if he engages and wait until his ult expires.
And obviously you need to be aware of his passive.
Easy laning since she's melee.
But you should already know that at lvl-6 she can be a pain in the ass.
Use your E right away if she jumps on you, since you can't double-proc if she's in her bubble.
If there's a Darius in your enemy team, you can be pretty sure to be fed later if you don't fuck up.
And you better don't because Darius is a bitch.
You can zone him pretty hard if you keep out of the range from his abilities.
You can double-proc him without any worries if he already used his E.
If he still has his E up, you can still try it, but be careful.
He should be at the back of the lane soaking exp the whole time if you do it right.
If he suddenly gets aggressive you can be 100% sure that the enemy junger is there.
Dr. Mundo
Same as darius. Only difference is that Mundo can be a tanky bitch sometimes.
If you can't get kills on him, just zone him and get ahead with cs.
Don't use your E if she jumps on you.
Just blind her instead and then double-proc.
If she is too scared to jump on you,
bait her Parry by hitting a minion near her. Then double-proc.
She'll lose mana quickly with trades <---
Also be careful with her ult, it's fckn ridiculous.
Easily to kite.
E away if he gets too close with his Q.
AA him to keep his passive unactivated.
Really annoying with his turrets.
If he isn't dumb enough to get killed,
just farm in lane and roam whenever possible.
If his turrets gets marked by Valor.
You can pretty much just AA it 2 -times to destroy it.
Easy lane pre6.
If she lands a stun on you and has ult, blind her and E away.
Blind him as soon as he jumps on you and E away before he lands his stun.
Should be an easy lane at all time if you don't fuck up.
Really depends on who's better.
You can't zone him hard since he is also ranged, and has more range with his skillshots.
Don't E away if he charges on you with his melee-form.
He only has his knockback (which would actually help you) and his crappy AoE.
Wait for Valor to mark him and double-proc that bitch, since he has to wait a few seconds to switch to range again.
If he does so, blind him and go away.
Damn son, you're fucked.
Better ban kayle.
You can't zone her. You can't double-proc her since she'll use her Q and E to fuck you up.
Soak EXP and cry hard.
All aboard the feels train..
Choo choo :'(
You can pretty much easily outdamage him, just be careful with his stuns.
And don't use your E on him if he uses his E, since it will give you 1 mark for his stun.
Lee Sin
Use your creep wave to avoid his Q's,
but be careful not to get too close to the enemy minions since he can jump on them and E you.
Otherwise, kind of easy to kite.
Blind this fucker a second time.
So tanky.
Easy to kite, but he can be annoying with his Q's if he doesn't use them to get a few cs.
Be careful post6, since the enemy jungler has it easy to deal damage on you while you're knocked up.
Master Yi
Same as tryndamere.
Only difference is that he can clear the wave with his Q.
If you can't get kills on him, this will be a farming lane.
But still try to zone him, since you don't want a farmed Yi.
He will cry hard.
You can easily zone/kite him, and he'll be forced to use his E for farming.
If you let him stack his Q's, you're one stupid mfker.
Be careful with his slow, it's still fckn OP and the enemy jungler will kill you if you don't have E up.
Really skill-based. Similiar to Jayce.
Avoid her bushwacks and spears, and don't get too close to her if you're marked.
Just farm the lane and be careful.
He'll hurt if he lands stuns on you.
But he'll run out of mana very fast since he can't reach AA's on you.
Buy 5 heal-pot's every time you go shop to outsustain him.
If he uses his full skill-combo on you, you can pretty much shit on him since he can't escape or fight much more.
Easy to kite.
You play Quinn against Quinn in rankeds?
Be afraid, this must be some hacker.
Easy to zone.
Keep yourself outside the range of his Q.
If he uses his E, use your E and then blind him as if he uses it a second time to reach you.
If he does that, damage him if everything you have.
Be careful with his stun.
Don't use your E if you see that he already actived his W.
He'll always sit in the bush and leap on your minions.
Don't get too close to the bush or your minions, and AA him as soon as he leaps on a minion.
If he gets marked, you'll still be able to see him if he enters the bush.
Freeze the lane and damage him everytime he leaps.
Then it should be an easy laning phase.
Be careful with his damage-potential.
She'll lose every trade, but you'll lose mana.
If the enemy Riven is smart, she'll engage on you as soon as you run out of mana.
Otherwise, she's always easy to kite and needs her flash + R to kill you.
Save your flash to dodge her R,
and be aware of your mana, since she'll try to let your mana sink low.
Easy lane pre6.
If he interrupts your double-proc with his W, just wait until it expires and then go on as usual.
He'll have crazy damage-potential as soon as he reaches lvl-6/9, or has RoA + Tear + Frozen Heart.
You can shit on him so easily.
He doesn't really have damage that can reach you, and is very easy to zone/kite.
If he uses TP or R, use your E to interrupt him entering other lanes.
She'll take less damage on your double-proc thanks to her passive.
She is easy to kite as long as you're aware of her speed and R.
Don't let her push the wave.
Freeze it and watch her suffer over the cs.
Pretty OP since the new patch.
Don't get stunned or R'd by him or you're fucked.
Still easy to kite/zone if you're aware of his speed and range.
Wait for his blind to expire before you double-proc him.
If you attack him while he's marked and you're blinded, the next AA won't trigger the bonus damage although the visual effect is still there.
Obviously you need to be aware of his mushrooms.
Easy to kite/zone.
But he has crazy damage-potential with his Q, and can easily sustain with his passive.
Just blind him if he engages on you and E away.
As long as you don't let him get near you, this will be a won lane.
He'll cry like a fat kid who dropped his icecream.
He can't do shit against you.
If he engages you can either decide to Q him and fight, or E away and kite. (whoa, that rhymed)
But be careful with his ult, try to kite him while it's active otherwise he gets a chance to turn the game around.
Are you fucking kidding me?
You are most probably playing against some Trick2G Fan.
He can't do shit except push the lane with his Phoenix-Stance.
If he goes Tiger-Stance, he'll put himself behind, since he has to AA every single minion, and you won't allow that.
Q him as he runs with his Bear-stance to you, and he won't be dealing damage with his Tiger.
Shit, Udyr Top is so useless.
thanks Trick2g.
The same as Tryndamere and Aatrox.
If he gets near you, use your E.
But try not to Q into his windwall.
Windwall is the #1 retarded skill in League.
Also, if you let yourself get hit by his knockups, you're stupid as fuck.
Although she doesn't have silence anymore, she can still burst you down.
Wait for her to use her skills and burst her down if she doesn't have Zhonya's.
If she does have Zhonya's go for the ADC.
It can be hard to focus him if he's invisible.
But as soon as he reveals himself, Ult and chase this mfker down like the last female in the world.
Also, he'll pretty much die in 1 second if you do it right.
is a ranged-assassin Champion that can go Mid or Top Lane.
She's a fun champ to play since she almost can't be beaten by most melee Top-Laners, and
can turn the outcome by teamfights.
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
+ high catch potential
+ high roaming potential
+ can dominate lane very hard
+ can burst down enemy ADC/APC very easily
+ can scout and prevent ambushes with her W
+ can run over wards fast enough for the enemies not to notice
+ amazing splitpush-potential
- if she dies, your team is pretty much lost
- squishy
- can hardly burst down enemy ADC/APC if the Support/Tank sticks with them 24/7
Team Work
Team Work
Wait for someone else to engage.
Then quickly use your Ult and path around to the enemy ADC without getting stunned/feared/snared etc.
You can easily burst the enemy ADC down with no problem.
If he has GA, kill him and run away before he is alive again and his teammates come for his help.
You can also target the enemy AP-carry if he doesn't have Zhonya's.
Try to get atleast 1 or 2 Targets down, and become a second ADC.
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