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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Battle Fury (PASSIVE)
Tryndamere Passive Ability

Hi Everybody. I'm WrongRight, its my first and best guide. This guide will make your Tryndamere OP! So op. If you got all of these items, you will hit %100 crit and 1.2k dmg per hit. That makes you kill machine. Easy penta, easy kills.. With your ulti you dont die for a while and you can kill more and more enemies.
Why that items?
Boot and Healt pot: At early game Tryn hasnt got so much power. You need to hit and run. And q is powerless. You should use Healt pots.
Berserker's Greaves : You need some attack speed,for easy farm and need for combats.
Avarice Blade : Tryn's best power is critical hits. Without them, Tryn isnt as powerful as others.
Vampiric Scepter : You need to survive, and lifesteal is best opinion for it. You hit criticals, good damage and with lifesteal you cant die easy.
Zeal : More Critical Hits, Movement speed and attack speed. Its really good for you.
Statikk : Avarice + Zeal = Statikk. More powerful.
Bloodthirster : You have lifesteal and some critical but now you need damage. B.F + Vampiric = Damage + Lifesteal!
Phantom Dancer : More Criticals, More Attack Speed. Now, with 100 Fury you have %100 critical. If there isnt stunner or blinder like teemo, you can kill em all easily.
Infınıty Edge : Now you have more damage and more critical without fury, and you have %250 dmg with critical!
Boot and Healt pot: At early game Tryn hasnt got so much power. You need to hit and run. And q is powerless. You should use Healt pots.
Berserker's Greaves : You need some attack speed,for easy farm and need for combats.
Avarice Blade : Tryn's best power is critical hits. Without them, Tryn isnt as powerful as others.
Vampiric Scepter : You need to survive, and lifesteal is best opinion for it. You hit criticals, good damage and with lifesteal you cant die easy.
Zeal : More Critical Hits, Movement speed and attack speed. Its really good for you.
Statikk : Avarice + Zeal = Statikk. More powerful.
Bloodthirster : You have lifesteal and some critical but now you need damage. B.F + Vampiric = Damage + Lifesteal!
Phantom Dancer : More Criticals, More Attack Speed. Now, with 100 Fury you have %100 critical. If there isnt stunner or blinder like teemo, you can kill em all easily.
Infınıty Edge : Now you have more damage and more critical without fury, and you have %250 dmg with critical!
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