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Yuumi Build Guide by Eryntel

Middle Rabadon's Death Cat | Yuumi Mid

Middle Rabadon's Death Cat | Yuumi Mid

Updated on February 15, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Eryntel Build Guide By Eryntel 18 2 28,081 Views 5 Comments
18 2 28,081 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Eryntel Yuumi Build Guide By Eryntel Updated on February 15, 2020
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Runes: Standard Runes

1 2 3
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Presence of Mind
Coup de Grace

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Rabadon's Death Cat | Yuumi Mid

By Eryntel
Below is all the information for the Runeterra's most potent magical cat! Feel free to skim the guide as you need!
You always want to max Prowling Projectile as soon as possible, with Zoomies second for sustain-in-lane™️. As soon as it's off cooldown, try to use Feline Friendship to poke enemies, Feline Friendship's shields are enough to win quick poke trades; it's crucial for keeping your mana up. When you keep more mana, don't be afraid to use Zoomies! Zoomies gives you health to poke more often. If juggled right, this along with your Corrupting Potion can last in lane for quite a while, hopefully long enough for you Lost Chapter even.
For the majority of the time, you want to take Corrupting Potion, it's very important to out sustain-in-lane™️ your enemy. But don't get greedy! Only use them when you're at 60% or lower on health and mana, as your Zoomies and Feline Friendship feed into each other (See abilities). However, if you want to become Runeterra's most potent magic cat, start Dark Seal + Refillable Potion, but only if you're extra-extra-confident in the matchup!

You want to at least be able to afford 2x Amplifying Tomes by your first back, but a Lost Chapter is ideal—mana regeneration is extremely helpful, and the CDR is very good as well. Make haste and grab yourself a Luden's Tempest!

Athene's Unholy Grail and Ardent Censer are both to up your healing output through mid-game, get them in that order. Prioritize Fiendish Codex and Aether Wisp for each item respectively, but if you need to improvise—feel free to! No Death Cat can hover free in the winds of chaos without being flexible!

Next, my personal choice of items is Mikael's Blessing followed by Knight's Vow. Mikael's Blessing is good if you're looking to be diving with whoever you plan to attach to. I often play with a jungle Sett, I use it to help him-or any similar champ-get into the fray. To keep the fur of the Death Cat and her follower neat and unscathed, I buy Knight's Vow for the 12% flat damage reduction. 12% may not seem like much, but don't fret! A little goes a long way —just enough for your heal to come back.

Zeke's Convergence and Redemption are other items that work quite well. You can choose to go with one, or both of items. Depends on the situation, really. If you want to do more damage, Zeke's Convergence for that nice extra damage output. But if you want to have more healing, Redemption is iconic for its amazing mass heal, and even greater for longer fights.

Rabadon's Deathcap
Damage. Heal. Conquer. Chaos. Cat.
General Game-plan
Once you start you lane, one of the worst things that can happen is an early gank. Be ready, and be scared, because you don't have much damage—yet. If they have someone like Rammus, and you suspect that he's targeting you, play safe and under tower! In the chances of an early gank, odds are that you'll still be alright. If neither the jungler or the enemy laner has an overload of CC; don't fret! Your Feline Friendship shields cover you quite a bit. Focus on CS and don't worry about too much poke beyond getting that shield.

Once you've hit 2-3 you start throwing out Prowling Projectile with your autos to whittle them down. Keep this up! it's mostly just juggling the same pattern until you can afford Lost Chapter.

If your jungler walks through your lane to get to the other side, try to climb onto them momentarily. You'll want to use your Prowling Projectile right away for the tracking, and get back off after you've landed it. You can also heal you jungler if you have the mana spare, sometimes they return the favour with ganks.

Upon getting Lost Chapter, your engages will be a lot safer as you'll have the mana to heal after. As long as you have the health, don't be scared of a fight! As Rabadon's Death-Cat, you do more damage than anyone expects, even level 1!

After acquiring Luden's Tempest, feel free to begin roaming, tag along with your jungler for a gank or two—you could turn the tides if a big fight breaks out. In fights, don't forget that your shield from Feline Friendship moves from you to your chosen champion. It's risky, but if the enemy doesn't have much CC, try to proc it mid fight for them. Use Prowling Projectile every time it's off cooldown during fights, and Zoomies too, if you have the mana.

Remeber, even though you're Rabadon's Death-Cat, you're still a support. Odds are you won't take your tower without help. Try to help your jungler take Rift Herald for your lane, else you'll have to wait till others start leaving their own lanes and fighting.

Every second that passes makes you more likely to be deleted if not attached to someone, so start roaming with your jungler, or playing a little back starting 18-19 minutes. Hopefully for you, fights have started breaking out already, and you can be safe and sound on the shoulder of your tank or bruiser. They'll be your home for most of the rest of the game.

It's time to begin your journey as a shoulder mounted laser turret. Good luck Summoner, I'll see you in the rift!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Eryntel
Eryntel Yuumi Guide
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Rabadon's Death Cat | Yuumi Mid

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