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With Rakan as mobile as he is, dodging hooks is easy. If you can predict when Thresh is gonna hook at your ADC, use E to dash in and take the hook then E again to jump back to your ADC. Biggest threat from Thresh is his ult, which renders most of your getaway skills useless.
Lulu's polymorph is a huge bitch and easily makes her one of your biggest counters. Her polymorph can cancel your ult and your knock-up. She also outpokes you in lane. Best way to deal with a Lulu in lane is to stay back and let your scaling outplay her later in teamfights.
Unfortunately, Alistar can just neglect all your mobility due to his sheer tankiness and his engage and knockback. Even if you pop a good knockup and jump back to your ADC, Alistar can just ram in like he owns the place. Best to play it safe with this guy in lane until later in the match.
Just like Thresh, Blitz's grab isn't much of a problem due to your mobility. Watch out when he gets his ult though, it hurts. Also, don't get too cocky and get pulled under tower. RIP RAKAN.
Janna's mobility and knockup pretty much mirror yours, but her shield protects a lot better than yours does. If you can catch her out in lane with a knockup, she's as good as dead but most Jannas will stay back and out of the way. Despite your own mobility, her whirlwind will interrupt your knockups and temporarily stall your ult if she times them right.
A gap-closing tank with CC? Yay! Leona's balanced! Seriously though, Leona is another tough support to lane against as Rakan because she neglects most of your mobility just by being a CC tank. If her sword throw catches you, E back to your ADC. Do your best to W out of her ults. Best to just play it safe with a Leona in lane.
I would have rated Sona a lower threat, but her ult completely neglects yours as well as your knockup. With Sona being as poke-y as she is, it's best to let her run her mana out before you try anything. Most Sonas will generally eat their mana up quick in lane between using their heal and damage auras. That's the best time to go in.
Soraka's silence completely neglects your entire kit. Even if you pop a knockup off, Soraka's silence won't let you jump back out which leaves you alone in the middle of enemies. She's also the best healer in the game and will just keep healing her ADC up in lane despite your poke. Soraka's generally stay back in lane and use Q to poke the shit outta you so it's best to just let your ADC farm against an enemy Soraka support rather than trying to pop off early engages.
Although CC is your biggest enemy, AP supports like Lux, Morgana and Karma are easy to counter due to your mobility. If you can manage to dodge their snares, its easy to go in on them with your combo. It's fun to bait snares out of the AP CC champs then dive in on them and wreck house. If you do manage to get caught in a snare and are lucky enough to not get completely melted, either get out by using E or go in with a W if you wanna be aggressive.
Damage AP supports like Brand, Malzahar and Xerath are a bit tricky to lane against as Rakan simply because of their sheer damage output. Brand especially, because of his stun and ult. He just HURTS. You do can easily dodge most of his skills due to your mobility but if your ADC gets caught out, Brand's passive really hurts on you too. Best to not be aggressive with AP damage supports and just let them run out of mana before you hop in for your combo.
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