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Stick close to your ADC once she gets her E. After she lands it, trigger Steadfast and punish. Be wary of her ult.
As long as you don't feed her, Tristana is very easy to bully as Poppy. Save your W until after you've landed your wall stun, it WILL be her first move if flash is down.
Stay close to your ADC. Try to predict his leap. If you can block it with W, you can punish and potentially kill him very easily.
Rakan is fairly easy to counter as Poppy due to the number of dashes his kit contains. His engage and both charges of his E can be shut down with Steadfast.
Same deal as Kha'Zix. Stay close to your ADC and use your W on his dash. Bait him towards walls so you can punish as soon he exits his ultimate's stealth
Zac can really only land two abilities on you without being decimated and they don't make up for the fact that his dash is voided. You can counter his ganks easy.
Lee Sin
As long as you can stop him with W, you can get away with your ADC or even potentially kill him.
You may be able to block Amumu's root, but unlike the lower threats, he can still do damage and CC you if you use your W to stop him.
Like Leona, his grab can be blocked by Steadfast. Focus the ADC and then punish Nautilus if possible.
If you can spot him before the shadow step, you can kill him. His Q can be blocked by your W.
Her Q and Heal are annoying, but all you really have to watch out for is her stun. Other than that, she's pretty squishy.
Hold off on fighting until his shield has gone away. You can punish his jump really easily. Focus the ADC in this match up.
Sidestep tornados and go in if her ult is down. Other than that, she's fairly easy to deal with.
His dash is pretty hard to predict. You'd be better off fighting without him present. Either R him away or wait until he backs to go in.
Dodge her CC and her heal and she's fairly simple to deal with due to her being extremely squishy.
Annoying. He has a dash, which is fairly easy to predict, as it works similarly to a wall stun. Keep in mind his ult is a Dash that you can block and make him miss.
Extremely protective. Try to avoid getting stunned. You might need to R him away if you want to be aggro, but it's really not worth it.
His hook is very long range so you might not be able to get close. If he dashes, take that opportunity to W and punish him.
Lots of pokes and can kill your combo's momentum. Fight only after she's polymorphed.
Pretty difficult matchup. Try to stun her if she enters brush. Otherwise play safe.
Tahm Kench
Annoying to go against. His Q can slow you down a bunch. Play safe
Stun or R away if he grabs your ADC. Play safe.
Her black shield and Root can stop everything you can throw at her. Ban her if possible.
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