This guy suuuuuucks. A decent Brand will be able to stun-lock you and poke you enough in lane that you can't engage. Against a Brand, a Rell will not trade early game well.
Braum is another shut-down champion, as his passive can turn off your combo and make your engages useless.
Lulu has the unfortunate ability as to counter nearly all of your plays. She will polymorph you if you try to engage, speed up her allies to disengage, and ult anyone you try and combo off on.
Again, similar to with Brand, Draven early game will out-trade you and make you feel like a Yuumi main, sitting and waiting for something exciting to happen.
Alistar will play the bouncer if he knows what he's doing. A good Alistar will refuse to engage you, instead waiting out your own engage just to shut down your combo.
Zyra will rip you apart in the middle of her garden, and her 'E' and ult will make her a hard support to avoid.
Ashe will make or break your game. Depending on your engage-ability and experience on Rell, unless you can catch her off guard and dive her, Ashe's basic attacks will slow you too much. This is really a skill-based threat level, depending on your own experience with Rell vs the enemies experience on Ashe.
This is a skill difference, who can out-cc who. Highly depends on who the ADCs are and how well they perform.
Morgana entirely depends on how well the enemy support can utilize her shield and her root. Trying to bait out her shield is key, as well as avoiding her root at all costs. A 'Q' and 'W' morgana combo can ruin you.
If Jinx isn't a master kiter, you will stomp her. Just pray she isn't really good.
Whether ADC or support, unless Heimer can hard scale, his turrets won't be able to dodge your 'W' and stop you. Heimers who know how to 'E' are your only weakness. A mid lane Heimer may be dangerous late game though.
Yuumi will entirely depend on her ADCs mobility. If the enemy ADC can't dodge your cc, Yuumi won't be of much help.
Considering Rells mobility, you can easily engage a Blitz and block pulls, as well as boost your teammates mobility so they too can avoid the pulls.
Once you land any cc on Janna, you and your ADC can pop her off easily. Your cc is easier to hit, and your 'E' allows you and your ADC to somewhat keep up with the enemy bot lane.
Someone who loves diving early game, Draven will be your bestie if you can work together and get Draven fed early due to constant poking and engagement.
If you are paired up with a Kalista, hop on a call with them and play your Kalista ults to perfection. Giving Rell a hard engage while keeping her full kit ready to combo makes these two a deadly combo.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune can position great bouncing shots and ults with Rell pulling enemies and keeping them locked down.
Rell's long-lasting cc chain give Samira the time needed to combo off, and Rell can keep enemies within a Samira ult to allow an easy team kill.
Aphelios is all about combos, and with your cc, you will allow him to pop off.
Ezreal loves landing skillshots, but those are hard, so Rell allows his targets to conveniently stand still for him!
Nilah's passive works well with Rell's shielding, and as a melee ADC, a cc-heavy engager like Rell makes a powerful bot lane duo.
Caitlyn players are often overly cautious, so they will be unlikely to engage with you, but if they do, be ready to have fun!
Rells engage will go well with Jhin's cc, and landing an ult for Jhin will be easy with Rell stopping his targets from dodging.
Kai'sa loves to engage, and so does Rell! Together, Rell can get Kai'sa in deep with the enemies whilst also keeping Kai'sa alive through cc.
Vayne can engage with Rell, and Rell's cc allows her to pop off her 'W' quite often per engage.
With Sivir's ult, a quick engage allows for this bot lane duo to have high mobility and decent engage.
Nothing about either Rell nor Jinx's kits meld too well, but a Jinx and Rell can pop off, it really depends on the playstyles of both bot sides.
Depending on the Kog'maws playstyle, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship... or not.
Lucian enjoys engaging just like Rell, but I don't encounter many Lucian players, so can't confirm how well they pair.
As a support with a knock-up, Rell makes a decent companion for an ADC Yasuo. The only downside being a fully-melee bot lane, if the enemy bot decides to sit behind tower, you will be out of luck.
Zeri has enough mobility to keep up with Rell, and can line up some great skillshots once Rell has the enemies cc'd.
Ashe goes great with high damage supports in my experience, as she herself is more on the cc side. Between Rell and Ashe, the enemies won't be able to escape, but you won't be shredding anyone.
Tristanas ult will often push enemies out of Rells reach, resulting in an unfortunate pairing without proper communication between support and ADC.
Xayah and Rell's kits just don't align to well. A Rell and Xayah can do great, or terrible.
Rell loves diving deep and helping her teammates engage. Heimer loves sitting back and letting the enemies come to him. Not a great combo unfortunatly.
Someone who loves diving early game, Draven will be your bestie if you can work together and get Draven fed early due to constant poking and engagement.
If you are paired up with a Kalista, hop on a call with them and play your Kalista ults to perfection. Giving Rell a hard engage while keeping her full kit ready to combo makes these two a deadly combo.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune can position great bouncing shots and ults with Rell pulling enemies and keeping them locked down.
Rell's long-lasting cc chain give Samira the time needed to combo off, and Rell can keep enemies within a Samira ult to allow an easy team kill.
Aphelios is all about combos, and with your cc, you will allow him to pop off.
Ezreal loves landing skillshots, but those are hard, so Rell allows his targets to conveniently stand still for him!
Nilah's passive works well with Rell's shielding, and as a melee ADC, a cc-heavy engager like Rell makes a powerful bot lane duo.
Caitlyn players are often overly cautious, so they will be unlikely to engage with you, but if they do, be ready to have fun!
Rells engage will go well with Jhin's cc, and landing an ult for Jhin will be easy with Rell stopping his targets from dodging.
Kai'sa loves to engage, and so does Rell! Together, Rell can get Kai'sa in deep with the enemies whilst also keeping Kai'sa alive through cc.
Vayne can engage with Rell, and Rell's cc allows her to pop off her 'W' quite often per engage.
With Sivir's ult, a quick engage allows for this bot lane duo to have high mobility and decent engage.
Nothing about either Rell nor Jinx's kits meld too well, but a Jinx and Rell can pop off, it really depends on the playstyles of both bot sides.
Depending on the Kog'maws playstyle, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship... or not.
Lucian enjoys engaging just like Rell, but I don't encounter many Lucian players, so can't confirm how well they pair.
As a support with a knock-up, Rell makes a decent companion for an ADC Yasuo. The only downside being a fully-melee bot lane, if the enemy bot decides to sit behind tower, you will be out of luck.
Zeri has enough mobility to keep up with Rell, and can line up some great skillshots once Rell has the enemies cc'd.
Ashe goes great with high damage supports in my experience, as she herself is more on the cc side. Between Rell and Ashe, the enemies won't be able to escape, but you won't be shredding anyone.
Tristanas ult will often push enemies out of Rells reach, resulting in an unfortunate pairing without proper communication between support and ADC.
Xayah and Rell's kits just don't align to well. A Rell and Xayah can do great, or terrible.
Rell loves diving deep and helping her teammates engage. Heimer loves sitting back and letting the enemies come to him. Not a great combo unfortunatly.
Rell, in my opinion, is one of the best all-game divers in the current roster. With a wide engage on her 'W', Rell can catch an off-guard duo bot lane in a deadly cc chain that any ADC with decent damage can clean up in an instant. The trick with playing Rell, dive, dive, dive! As long as you aren't losing minion wave (and sometimes even if you are) you can dive an enemy bot duo, and provide your ADC with the opportunity to get countless easy double kils.
How to Rell-cover
The one catch to playing Rell is if your ADC plays cautiously. A Rell left to sit behind wave and wait for their ADC to farm will easily get poked down and be forced to back frequently. If your ADC falls under this category, you will have to pray your Jungler is thirsty for some bot-lane ganks, or roam as soon as possible.
Rell-evant Analysis
I love Rell because she can build tanky in many different ways! You can build armor if the enemies are primarily AD, build MR is the enemies are AP, build ally-protection if your ADC keeps dying, you can really build any tank/support item there is! I have listed my personal favourites for each scenario in the item list, but I believe the trick to succeeding on ANY champion is through playing as them, experiencing their playstyle, and adapting it to your own.
Over time, how you play Rell will change, as you and her become one, and eventuall you will be trapped in League of Legends and forever carry your future ADCs to victory and eternal glory! Huzzah!
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