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Akali Build Guide by tonchie

Jungle *Rework Akali New Guide* Mid META

Jungle *Rework Akali New Guide* Mid META

Updated on August 11, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author tonchie Build Guide By tonchie 20 1 25,071 Views 0 Comments
20 1 25,071 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author tonchie Akali Build Guide By tonchie Updated on August 11, 2018
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* Hello, my name is Tonchie , I posted a guide on jungle Akali as a guest earlier this week. I used to play runeglaive Akali jungle and I noticed how fun she looked after her rework. I picked her up and immediately shoved her into the jungle until things started to click for me and began developing a play style for her that would let her operate well enough as a jungler with of course plenty of the prerequisite flame from my friends.
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Akali's early game as a jungler stinks. Jungle farm only provides 2 Souls each camp which is slower than most lanes however kill participation grants 6 souls if a friendly, or enemy dies. Dark Harvest allows you to gear up for the late game and has the unique feature of not having a cool down, allowing you to chain kills if you know what you're doing, eventually outperforming Electrocute.

Sudden Impact works while using Twilight Shroud and Perfect Execution. Getting any amount of magic penetration or lethality in this build outweighs the champion-only-auto lifesteal, and the true damage to CC'd targets is next to impossible to put into effect.

Ghost Poro is the poor man's trackers knife, RIP. Great for both invading and guarding whilst in the jungle and provides AD/AP when placed in enemy territory.

Ravenous Hunter is a clear choice, providing more sustain as the game progresses. With enough practice and a sprinkle of luck you'll land the kills you need to make you even more unstoppable. Relentless Hunter is a good grab for the Celerity / Waterwalking variant of this build.

I utilize Chrysalis to improve early survival and late game power, however I will swap to Celerity for its immediate bonuses and roaming potential if I feel like it.

Revitalize is a clear choice for increased sustain, while Waterwalking again benefits roaming
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My reasoning behind building Akali this way

An AD Akali build is many parts to one very great total. Akali's flexibility is her strength. This is just one path for Akali, that prioritizes landing a very powerful auto attack empowered by Dark Harvest (P-DNC) + Assassin's Mark (M-DNC) + Stormrazor + Duskblade of Draktharr (P-DC) + Rapid Firecannon (M-DC).

Other builds will only empower Akali's auto attack using Assassin's Mark + Lich Bane + Sorcerer's Shoes + whatever bonus magic penetration. You won't find crit in this build.

(Does not crit / Does crit) // (Magic / Physical) This pertains to the usage of Stormrazor

You are 100% free to build Akali as you see fit, this is the build I personally enjoy using as it addresses magic resist stacked enemies. The AD path allows me to hit not only champions like a truck, but also jungle camps. Reducing the need to kite, making up the lost time waiting for a high energy Five Point Strike to heal me.

While my build seems to excessively rely on items that make her auto attack the focus of her kit, I believe if you're going to do something, do it big.
Late game scaling Dark Harvest, Twilight Shroud and Stormrazor's synergy with Duskblade of Draktharr, and finally the weirdest piece being Rapid Firecannon combined with Assassin's Mark's gives Akali crazy reach. All of this comes together forming what I call the most fun way to make a squishy target regret locking in.

I'll make it known her scalings are as follows.
Assassin's Mark Scales 90% bonus AD / 70% total AP as magic damage
Five Point Strike Scales 65% total AD / 50% total AP as magic damage
Twilight Shroud doesn't scale, except with CDR but only AFTER its dissipated
Shuriken Flip Scales 70% bonus AD as physical damage
Perfect Execution 1 Scales 50% bonus AD as physical damage
Perfect Execution 2 Scales 30% total AP as magic damage
The formula for R2 is Base Damage + 30% AP
Base Damage = (base damage + 0 : 150% missing health)
AP damage = (30% Ability Power + 0 : 200% missing health)
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Jungle Farming / Abilities

You can confidently start Blue Sentinel or Red Brambleback , each with clear benefits. Five Point Strike heals while near full energy, meaning increased energy regen from blue buff will give you better sustain in the jungle. Red buff's hp regen, burn and slow can help kill less populated camps faster, increasing clear sleep and reducing damage taken.
Starting Hunter's Talisman helps Akali while she kites her camps, only use Five Point Strike for heals or to execute a camp. The time between camps will allow your energy to pool and heal you on your next Five Point Strike.
If you're going to be hit, weave an auto attack or two before resuming to kite the monster.
You'll immediately notice it's a pain but only if you don't understand how to utilize Twilight Shroud which you should level after your first camp. Twilight Shroud restores energy, allowing for more healing and minimizes damage by hiding from auto attacks. Be careful, its very easy to reset the camp if you use the Twilight Shroud. Keep in mind Twilight Shroud is cast in a direction just ahead of Akali. Controlling its placement, and using its edge is key to keeping camps from resetting.
Given a little practice you'll understand Akali does not use her Shuriken Flip for jungle farming, but purely as a utility to take players by surprise when she dashes them or to avoid a skill shot.
Akali's path is Buff, Wolves, Buff then scuttle crab. If you're feeling scared to take on wolves, go to the scuttle closest your next buff camp for a little regen action before doing the buff camp.
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Ganks with Akali

Ganking as Akali is like most assassins, situational. You're not the play maker, you're there to capitalize on good setup / enemy mistakes to snowball into a monster.
Twilight Shroud's interaction with turret s makes it safer to dive turrets more so than other assassins, despite Akali's relatively low HP pool.
Five Point Strike slow is just enough utility to make ganking a feasible activity, as it makes her enemies vulnerable to your allies.
A great way to open into a gank is to land your Shuriken Flip to activate your Assassin's Mark, especially if you're confident it'll be a short exchange and want a big opener. With a dash ready, this positions for your next move.
If you decide to delay Shuriken Flip, you may use it to finish a weak opponent after closing the gap or dodge an important skillshot with the backwards roll.
When using Perfect Execution in a fight utilize the mobility to engage or dodge. Personally I like to front load the damage in R1 with my AD build, due to R2's clunky cool down and being strong with Missing HP scalings. Using R1 Perfect Execution to engage is a fair bet to take an opponent by surprise, leading into a reliable Shuriken Flip, which grants an often assured Assassin's Mark. Executing Akali's combos and situational awareness is key to not becoming the feeding trash jungler everyone assumes you're going to be for locking Akali jungle.
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Pros / Cons


+ High damage
+ Invisibility
+ Strong Dive
+ Execute
+ High Mobility
+ Roaming potential

Akali can be a bully in lane, where her opponents don't have a choice but to face her, but playing her in the jungle comes with a few perks. Typically jungle farm is uncontested, and jungle routes give her access to enemies who are vulnerable.
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- Hard to master
- Susceptible to CC
- Low Healthpool
- Clunky ult
- Poor jungle clear / sustain
- Poor early game

As per all champions, Akali has her strengths, and her weaknesses. Compared to other junglers, Akali's jungle can be considered subpar due to her mechanics. When played in lane it's clear to see her strength comes from bullying her opponent until Akali reaches late game. Her new playstyle is a lot safer than previous iterations. However don't be discouraged to find different play styles for the Rogue Assassin.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author tonchie
tonchie Akali Guide
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*Rework Akali New Guide* Mid META

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