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Pantheon Build Guide by Rosenkruze

AD Offtank Riot Shield Pantheon (Top)

AD Offtank Riot Shield Pantheon (Top)

Updated on September 24, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rosenkruze Build Guide By Rosenkruze 1,887 Views 0 Comments
1,887 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rosenkruze Pantheon Build Guide By Rosenkruze Updated on September 24, 2013
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This is my first build for, but I have made many builds for my champs in game.
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The attack damage marks will give you a damage boost in the beginning of the game.

The armor seals and magic resistance glyphs will give your defense a boost and give you more sustain. This will allow you to man your top lane longer before having to travel back.

The lifesteal quintessences will help heal your health by hitting minions.
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The offensive masteries give you a boost overall, while the utility masteries help keep you from having to go back to the nexus to heal alot more. The lifesteal can heal you if you hit minions with basic attacks and the mana and mana regeneration boosts help you cast spells more.
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The Flash is mainly for if you need a quick get-away from being chased back to your tower.

The Ignite can be used a number of ways. It can be used to quickly lower your enemy's health or if your enemy is running back to their tower you can pop an ignite on him/her and watch em burn and die.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rosenkruze
Rosenkruze Pantheon Guide
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Riot Shield Pantheon (Top)

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