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Caitlyn Build Guide by Sp4zieFan

Roses are Red and so is your screen ~ Caitlyn Build

Roses are Red and so is your screen ~ Caitlyn Build

Updated on May 20, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sp4zieFan Build Guide By Sp4zieFan 3,072 Views 0 Comments
3,072 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sp4zieFan Caitlyn Build Guide By Sp4zieFan Updated on May 20, 2013
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Well Hi Im Sp4zieFan I bring greetings from NA Server
Today I bring you one of my greatest discoveries, Red Caitlyn.
We all know Caitlyn as the Sniping Queen, able to deal TONS OF DAMAGE from a long distance.
This build takes that and capitalizes on it. With Cooldown Reduction to allow her to use all of her skills quicker and deal even more damage, With Armor pen to ensure she can do so. And massive attack speed allowing for strong kiting and damage capabilities with Red Buff and 90 Caliber net.

So without further blabbering, lets get onto the build
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The Runes that are here allow for caitlyn to shine in lane. With Mana Regen for continous spell use for farming and in lane poke. To Armor for trading with other carries and being able to withstand the pressure from jungler or midlane intervention
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Pros / Cons

Now Some people may look at this build and say, Where is da dmg!!!
It's there and it shines in the light during team fights. With Caitlyn at full build she is able to damage and give out more headshots due to Runaans effect. She is also able to deal more damage with her Piltover peacemaker. Allowing for her to deal this damage especially with black cleaver ensures that she can clean up fights. The aura from Zekes allows for her to gain more stats for herself and also give them to her jungler and AD top. This allows for a stronger team play opportunity and allows caitlyn to shine more. With the CDR from this build, Caitlyn is able give out a peacemaker within 4 seconds after casting 1. Her ult cooldown is reduced to 36 seconds meaning her sniping capabilities are higher.
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I hope you all try this build and leave feedback on how to improve.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sp4zieFan
Sp4zieFan Caitlyn Guide
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Roses are Red and so is your screen ~ Caitlyn Build

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