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Ryze Build Guide by Desepture

Middle Ryze Guide to ACTUALLY WIN games [14.13]

Middle Ryze Guide to ACTUALLY WIN games [14.13]

Updated on July 5, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Desepture Build Guide By Desepture 21 1 30,610 Views 0 Comments
21 1 30,610 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Desepture Ryze Build Guide By Desepture Updated on July 5, 2024
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1 2 3
Phase Rush
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport



Ludens BUILD. When to NOT go RoA?
RoA BUILD. When should I get RoA?
mana is op with Seraphs right now
GET RABADONS OR ZHONYAS IMMEDIATELY (if possible)AFTER. trust me, it's worth it. (farm side lanes for this)

Ability Order Go E First. Max Q then E.

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Ryze Guide to ACTUALLY WIN games [14.13]

By Desepture

You want to play with your jungler. Whichever side your jungler is on lane on that side as well, keep that same bush warded. There may also be a scuttle fight by that time as well, you should be somewhat strong enough to make a difference.

Don't rush spam throwing all your skills, youre more likely to miss and waste cooldowns and mana. If you want to guarantee your skills land take your time and auto weave in between skills. If the fight looks lost just use your EWQ combo and run away. These fights can make a huge impact on the game so generally you always wanna be around for these if you can.

If you can avoid solo fighting your midlaner and cs for free then better. Once you have lost chapter you can manage your waves and push fast enough to roam and help your team with any skirmishes.

By this time youre probably side laning, farming, and just trying to gain lane prio for objectives. Avoid wasting flash for a random kill during this time unless you get caught and need to be alive for an objective OR secure a kill on a high priority target right before the objective. Take gromp/krugs when youre done clearing waves only of course. Make sure you have good vision and always watch your map and pay attention to signals when side laning.

Around this time you should be relatively strong enough to deal decent damage to enemies with just a few skills. Try to keep lane priority on the sides but dont stay for too long unless it's free (complete vision of enemies/theyre all dead/etc.) This is because you want to make sure youre not dead for any fights that occur. I'd rather Play front to back during clashes and once theyre on the run you can ult to flank OR ult to escape a losing fight.
COMBOS: (any time you use W or E your Q gets refreshed.

E Q - if enemy is hiding behind minions.
E E W - i dont use this often although i should. procs your passive for move speed.
E W - snare/lock down enemy
Q E Q - bread and butter trading combo.
W E Q - more damage (esp with arcane comet) but be careful of wasting W if enemy still has flash or can run you down.
E W Q - AMAZING for trading and keeping distance. This guarantees your damage lands and procs your pasive. one of my most used combos lmao. You can use this if youre getting ganked. Just E W Q any enemy or minion and run away with move speed boost. If youre running Phase rush preferrably use it on enemy for extra move speed ofc.

Q W Q E Q - if youre hiding in a bush and just wanna chunk someone for free this is good.
Q E Q W Q E Q - this is the same but more damage just harder to land everything. Really good if an enemy is already locked down by something.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Desepture
Desepture Ryze Guide
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Ryze Guide to ACTUALLY WIN games [14.13]

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