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Ryze Build Guide by Atoczix

Ryze: The Peanut Head

Ryze: The Peanut Head

Updated on May 25, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Atoczix Build Guide By Atoczix 2,742 Views 0 Comments
2,742 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Atoczix Ryze Build Guide By Atoczix Updated on May 25, 2013
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- No skillshots
- Short cooldown spells (as well as a lot of damage)
- Great survivability
- Crazy AOE damage as well as single target burst
- Built in cooldown reduction
- The best utility
- Carries the game
- The tankiest APer late game
- Strong and fast roamer
- Great for CS after level 6
- No mana problems late game
- Doesn't need blue buff late game (but still helps)
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- Short range
- Weak early game
- Slow CS till level 6
- Basic attacks are awkward to get last hit with
- His head is a peanut
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Abyssal Scepter: Why I choose

In case your wondering why I choose Abyssal Scepter over any other AP item, is mainly because of the passive, as well as the 45 Magic Resistance. It provides great defense against any other AP, and also reduces their Magic Resistance, and this is around enemy champions within a range of 700, it can provide great help to teammates, and allows me to do a lot of extra damage if they have their build around MR.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Atoczix
Atoczix Ryze Guide
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Ryze: The Peanut Head

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