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Ryze Build Guide by WingsD

Ryze - The Walking Mana Fountain

Ryze - The Walking Mana Fountain

Updated on May 26, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WingsD Build Guide By WingsD 1,791 Views 0 Comments
1,791 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author WingsD Ryze Build Guide By WingsD Updated on May 26, 2014
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A new beggining

So, hello there and welcome to my guide.

I present you my build for Ryze. This build is for TOP RYZE, but I guess it just works fine on mid. ( Mainly I play Ryze top or jungle. [YES, JUNGLE] )So let's get into it.
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Early game

I never met untill now someone to counter me on top. Not even Jax. The only one that gave me some problems was Sion, but only early game ( AD Sion ).

So you want to start wwith Saphire Crystal and 2 health potions. Ryze works really good against Nasus because he can poke the hell out of him and farm in the same time, so just try to poke your opponent and keep farming. First back, get the Tear,boots, a ward and how many potions you want.

Second back, you might wanna upgrade your moots to Ionian Boots and get the Catalyst and again wards and potions. Aaand just keep farming...
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Mid game.

By now you should be at least at your 5th back, including by dying/killing/turret down/taking a lot of poke. You should have by now the following: Ionian Boots, Tear stack at about 300, Rod of Ages and at least the Saphire that will build in Glacial Shroud.

If your turret is down or your opponent's, first do the golems and push your lane, then go roam mid or steal opponent's jungle. If you get enough money, go and buy the Sheen or even the hole Gauntlet. Aaand just keep farming...
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Late Game

As you should've probably noticed by now, you're a killing machine. But the fan starts just now. Buy the MURAMANA. And don't say that I'm crazy. Muramana works INCREDIBLY good with the Gauntlet. Make sure in teamfights or duels you have the Muramana active and just the combo: q-w-e-q ( not neccesarly ulti on; I use ult usually to clear lanes faster or in duels with someone fed or that counters me; or teamfights obviously. )

Now it's time for the Void staff, altho if you're into fun things, you can buy it earlier. Just do what works for you. The last item is Visage which ''levels'' up your ulti life steal and is just an op item. It's a tanky build anyways.

#Lane notes: By minute 25 you should've have about 150-200 farm. ( no crying about hard lane, kite & poke a lot, that dosen't exist against ryze )
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Ryze Counters Top.

Good against:

Weak against:

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# Notes

So I hope you'll find this build interesting enough to try it out. It works amazingly good on me. Never lost a game with Ryze top with this build, and I can say he's one of my favorites champions.

Let me know how it worked on you. See ya next time.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author WingsD
WingsD Ryze Guide
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Ryze - The Walking Mana Fountain

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