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Ryze Build Guide by minin29

Ryze - Where did they go?

Ryze - Where did they go?

Updated on July 18, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author minin29 Build Guide By minin29 2,045 Views 0 Comments
2,045 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author minin29 Ryze Build Guide By minin29 Updated on July 18, 2011
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Ryze
  • LoL Champion: Ryze


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Hi! This is my first guide yet so be kind :) I decided to make a guide of how I play Ryze. This is a guide that focuses most on damage and less on survivability. Survivability doesnt really matter in the end since that Ryze always get focused due to all the damage he pumps out. If you follow this guide then you will be able to kill them before they kill you in the end. If built right you will have around 900 ap or more in the end and it will be almost insta-kill.
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Pros / Cons


Not likely to run out of mana :D
A huge amount of ability power and mana for damage
A lot of damage
Good health regen from the Ulti
No need for CDR thanks to his passive Arcane Mastery and from Overload
Can be good in mid-game as well.


Usually focused beacuse of the damage output from him :|
Not the best build for newbies.
Expensive build.
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This is a normal runebuild for me with Magic Penetration marks, Mana Regeneration Seals, Flat Mana glyphs and AP Quints. This can be changed as wanted because everyone has their own playstyle, this is just mine. You can also try changing the runes into Movement Speed quints and getting mor Flat Mana Seals. The options are many.
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Standard Caster masteries 9/0/21. Can also be changed to 1/7/22 where you grab


in offensive mastery and get 2 pionts in both

Resistance and Hardiness

then get 3 points in

Strength of Spirit

. All from the Defensive Mastery side. You spend the rest in utility putting 21 points as described in the ordinary build then get 1 point in


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Items are very important for Ryze. You (player) should always try to get Sapphire Crystal first then go for Tear of the Goddess to get more mana since his abilities scale with both mana and AP. Boots are something that shoulb be bought after. Sorcerer's Shoes are the obvious choice since he relies on his spells for damage. Then comes the Archangel's Staff. It converts 3% of your max mana to ability power. That item looks like it was made for Ryze since both have Mana+AP=Damage. After getting the staff, you should try and get a Rabadon's Deathcap as fast as possible. The 30% more AP is very good. Next up is the Lich Bane. This should be built early because of it's effect, your AP becomes your damage on your next basic attack. So if you have around 450 AP then you will do another 450 damage on your next basic attack, it will be like another Spell Flux. After getting the Lich Bane you should get more Archangel's Staff until your out of Inventory spaces. If you want even more damage then you can sell your boots and get another staff. In the end it will be better than stacking Rabadon's. If you want to get more survivability after Lich Bane then i Recommend getting a Frozen Heart if there are many AD champs and a Abyssal Mask if you face AP champs.

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Skill Sequence

THe first thing to do is to decide whether you want to have the CC Rune Prison or if you want to do more damage with Overload.

After that, depending on whether you have fast opponents that like to run away or crazy people that throw themselves at you, you should try to level up Rune Prison more if you have the first type and if you have the second type you get Overload and Spell Flux first.


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Summoner Spells

I use Exhaust and Flash for summoner spells. Exhaust for slowing if they are too fast and Flash for escaping since Ryze really does not have any spell for escaping. Ghost, Teleport, Ignite and other Summoner Spells can be used but this is what I like to use.

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So this is my build. It is a major carry build and should not be used for 3v3 since those games are often too short. If you have a thought or if there is something that you want to ask then just tell me.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author minin29
minin29 Ryze Guide
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Ryze - Where did they go?

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