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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
Doom 'n Gloom (PASSIVE)
Vex Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Hello everyone! Welcome on my Vex guide! π
I hope this gonna help you playing that champion better, from discovering to mastering her!
I will keep updating my guide everytime I feel it's needed. Whenever I find out something useful to say, whenever I find new possibilites, etc. so please keep this guide next to you! β¨
Before we get into details, let's be sure we all know what is Vex good and bad at:
β Heavy burst
β Easy to understand
β Great to trade
β High mobility
β Can solo carry if ahead
β Insane in teamfights
β Low HP
β Not a safe champion
β Has to take risks
β Hard positionning
Now that we all agree on what Vex is, let's get started! π€
This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs! β€οΈ
I hope this gonna help you playing that champion better, from discovering to mastering her!
I will keep updating my guide everytime I feel it's needed. Whenever I find out something useful to say, whenever I find new possibilites, etc. so please keep this guide next to you! β¨
Before we get into details, let's be sure we all know what is Vex good and bad at:
β Heavy burst
β Easy to understand
β Great to trade
β High mobility
β Can solo carry if ahead
β Insane in teamfights
β Low HP
β Not a safe champion
β Has to take risks
β Hard positionning
Now that we all agree on what Vex is, let's get started! π€
This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs! β€οΈ
Let's take a look on who synergies well with Vex.
This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs! β€οΈ
This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs! β€οΈ
Let's take a look on who counters a lot Vex.
Leona is the strongest tank support and has 350 CCs in her kit. Avoid her as much as possible. Same for Blitzcrank and Nautilus.
Blitzcrank has a lot of CC and can easily punish anyone who makes a minor mistake.
This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs! β€οΈ
Leona is the strongest tank support and has 350 CCs in her kit. Avoid her as much as possible. Same for Blitzcrank and Nautilus.
Blitzcrank has a lot of CC and can easily punish anyone who makes a minor mistake.
This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs! β€οΈ
Coming soon!! Resting now... π΄
This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs! β€οΈ
This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs! β€οΈ
Abilities / Combos
Coming soon!! Resting now... π΄
This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs! β€οΈ
This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs! β€οΈ
Coming soon!! Resting now... π΄
This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs! β€οΈ
This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs! β€οΈ
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