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Recommended Items
Runes: Top/Mid/Support Rune
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Season 9's thoughts?
I'm here to say that AP soraka right now has work in the mid lane against many varies of a champion. I play soraka a lot in Late S4-S9. I really love soraka's type of character in-game. The only thing I don't like about her is going to support and helping ADC. I'm not selfish support or anything. It's just that I felt soraka's ability does so much and Q and E have good base damage. The scaling on Soraka's Q(0.35) and E(0.4 are low, but that doesn't stop me from playing her mid. I Main Soraka and approximately 300k on soraka. I Main AD SORAKA, AP SORAKA, and TANK Soraka. If any request for tank Soraka just leaves a comment. (Season 9)
Season 10's Thoughts?
Hi There my name is DisguisedPengu/LOLDisguisedBlade. I'm currently G4, but have experience lots with soraka and always trying to figure out what build can work with her. I usually don't play soraka as often since the recent nerf with her. For example, The healing from Q's is quite awful scaling as well as weak heal from that. I Suggest all Soraka players should build 2 core support items ( Athene's Unholy Grail and Ardent Censer). As I try out many varies of a build like Ad Soraka, Tank Soraka, and mostly any other options build for her; however, I think 2 core support item is actually solid with her.
Guide for Early game and Late game
During what to do as soraka for mid lane, you must think carefully of what your team is playing and the enemy too. Soraka is good against all mid lane champions. The only thing I well said is that fighting many certain champions like Syndra, Zed, azir, and much late-game champion is surprising can out scale you. This is not in the build, but you can make a certain change to your build like maybe getting ardent's censer or getting Athene's unholy grail, the reason why get this because if you can't do damage and can't carry mind as to be useful and build support items to help either your ADC or damage top or jungler. First Thing first as going mid, make sure to use your Q's and Auto's(basic attack) because doing that can make the enemy take at least 200 damage (with either Arcane comet or electrocute). For me especially, I like to do as soraka to poke is auto+Q+aa, If I get them to half HP My combo will be Q+Auto+E To proc electrocute. Make sure if you are pushing hard in the lane, always check bushes, since enemy Jungler always ganks mid. During mid-game, Like I said before you can go support items to help your team if you can't carry Or Go damage build. Here is why I build Liandry's Torment, This item burn your enemy for tick damage which equals 20-30 damage depending on their Health. Late game, You want to make sure to E in every team fight, so that the enemy can't CC or use ability against your team. Just for reminder, Soraka is still a weak champion because of her scaling.
Season 10's for Soraka Opinion?
As for Riot games, I think they making Soraka more toward to Support, after figuring out how op she was and was display on LEC Like G2 Wunder's Soraka top and how broken it was. They begin nerfing the rapid healing to normal, The E's Base damage was rather weaker for damage. This makes Soraka, not a strong poking champion anymore, as well as just ordinary support with good healing and CC. I think she is nerfed and kinda dog atm, but I think she is actually a pretty solid early game poke but late game fall off.
Other champion i like to play other than Soraka support
I recommend Karma to people who like playing strong early game damage, but also assist ally to sustain more in fights. I think Karma is actually super strong because she doesn't fall off late game. She can actually burst down many champions down like squishy ADC, support, or mid champion. Building 2 core support item is already enough for this champion to protect teammate and can build full ap afterward to do damage in team fight. As for Soraka.
I am 15-5 Karma in ranked Solo ATM. LINK:
I am 15-5 Karma in ranked Solo ATM. LINK:
Season 11 goal
I would like to test out Preseason's Item and see is there any hidden op item that can make soraka really good. I have tested out the preseason item and my opinion is that the game felt relevantly somehow new. The new item seems pretty unbalanced and My favorite 2 items in preseason atm are Eclipse(assassin) and Dark Harvester(Mage).
Who am I?
I'm LOLDisguisedBlade A.K.A Pengu/Peng. I stream on and have a YT Channel: 9BMassacre( Gonna change soon ). I like to play league of legends during my free time and enjoy playing with friends. I like to play competitively as well and the lane I main is Adc/Support. As for now, I have many accounts in league of legends learning to role and climbing as well. I hope you guys can comment below or give some insight for me. Would be nice if you guys drop a follow or subscribe on my YT or I also have lots of ideas for many other champion with stranges hidden build as well (looking forward to making those guides/build soon). Thank you for stopping by and I enjoy giving you guys some furthermore insight on my Soraka guide.
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