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Runes: preciosion/inspiration
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order aggressive max spell
Runic Blade (PASSIVE)
Riven Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
ban this champ or if open try to bait constantly his stun before you try to trade him,or play safe and play around bot/jung
pick ingnite and try to perma all in him,before 6 there is nothing he can do,meanwhile try to freeze the wawe as much as u you ,in order to punish him while he tryes to get some stacks
pick ingnite and try to perma all in him,before 6 there is nothing he can do,meanwhile try to freeze the wawe as much as u you ,in order to punish him while he tryes to get some stacks
Champion Build Guide
It's not only about her gameplay/lane phase,you will need to learn and get confident on her combos,animation cancels,fast q combos,those're the characteristics that define a good

Her gameplay is based around cdr,that's why you will need as much cdr items/runes in order to achive 45%cdr and spam her combos,susch as : black clever, death danceetc.Those 2 can be considered her core items in this season since she gain 20%cdr only with black clever and 10% death dance+ phage passive which is good for chasing on

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