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Recommended Items
Runes: No Escape
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Challenging Smite
Ability Order W is the Core
Rage Gene (PASSIVE)
Gnar Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
First of all I really appreciate giving a chance to my build and Off-Meta tactic on Gnar Jungle. I'm Pójdźka, player from EUNE and EUW who was previously Gold, Platinum and Diamond. Let me enlighten you why Gnar jungle with on hit items is efing lit...
- If you haven't ever seen Gnar Jungle, you have no idea how epic he is at clearing camps. With your W and tankiness you can solo all your camps in 3 minutes and easily. It's not even a troll build when it works 100% and it works AMAZINGLY WELL this patch.
- Mobility is one of the main factors to win the games (easy split pushing, easy kills, easy outplays)and Gnar has double jump, speed and with these runes and items you're becoming a Bugatti
- Damage. Not only you clear the jungle easily with tons of W on hit damage but you have some of the best auto attack power in game combining the abilities and items
- Crowd Control/CC. Not only you're fast as heck, but you also crowd control everyone with stun, slow, push and stun abilities, Gnar is all that you want in one.
- Tankiness is helpful, and you get it along with your passive, makes you 100% more versatile and you can jump into a team of 4 enemies, stun most of them and kill one by one.
- Really strong Split Pushing with mobility and fast high damage auto attacks
- If you haven't ever seen Gnar Jungle, you have no idea how epic he is at clearing camps. With your W and tankiness you can solo all your camps in 3 minutes and easily. It's not even a troll build when it works 100% and it works AMAZINGLY WELL this patch.
- Mobility is one of the main factors to win the games (easy split pushing, easy kills, easy outplays)and Gnar has double jump, speed and with these runes and items you're becoming a Bugatti
- Damage. Not only you clear the jungle easily with tons of W on hit damage but you have some of the best auto attack power in game combining the abilities and items
- Crowd Control/CC. Not only you're fast as heck, but you also crowd control everyone with stun, slow, push and stun abilities, Gnar is all that you want in one.
- Tankiness is helpful, and you get it along with your passive, makes you 100% more versatile and you can jump into a team of 4 enemies, stun most of them and kill one by one.
- Really strong Split Pushing with mobility and fast high damage auto attacks
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