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Braum Build Guide by Dekkono1

Support [S11] CDR Braum

Support [S11] CDR Braum

Updated on July 15, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dekkono1 Build Guide By Dekkono1 3,534 Views 0 Comments
3,534 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dekkono1 Braum Build Guide By Dekkono1 Updated on July 15, 2021
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Font of Life

Zombie Ward
Ultimate Hunter

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


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Champion Build Guide

[S11] CDR Braum

By Dekkono1
General Explaination
Braum has always been a niche support, even though he's actually super fun and my favorite support. So I got inspired by Luminum's Karma Haste Karma build to make a Braum build with similar parameters. The idea behind this build is to keep your allies alive, rather than giving you the ability to tank everything (which you still can do late game with this build with your low cooldown E, but this build is more built around his W).
Theory Crafting
So my Theory Crafting is that Whenever you max Q E W, It's a very you take everything and that's it build, my build is like a very divey, almost reverse assassin, protection build. Basically I thought why not make it so your ADC gets so much armor and magic resist, that it's super hard for them to die. And then I thought Ability Haste would be good so I could constantly be jumping around, and putting up my shield.
Guardian is an obvious choice cuz it's a protective rune, Font of life is also obvious cuz of his cc, and Conditioning is so your W can scale, this build is a scaling build, so you'd want more Armor and MR. I take revitalize because of Locket, and I don't know if this is a bug, but when testing this build Revitalize shielding did increase when I'd hit W, and Overgrowth seems pointless on a build where I don't build around Health and personal tanking. Zombie Ward is underrated in my opinion on supports and I feel like it's so useful like once you get your Oracle Lens you can start breaking wards, adding onto your vision, and overall, not a bad rune. Ultimate Hunter because he has a pretty good ult in my opinion and I think having ult up as much as possible is good for teamfights.
I always Rush Locket because W scales with Armor and Magic Resist, and the Locket Passive adds on more Armor and Magic Resist when you W somebody, and then after that I get the best possible items with Haste for a tank which are Ionian Boots, Zeke's (Which is actually helpful with your Ult and passive so that's a plus), Frozen Heart cuz it gives quite a good amount of haste and if their adc has a lot of attack speed it'll help a lot. And lastly Wardstone, it has a whopping 40 Ability haste which is huge on Braum, or anyone who could use the 40 AH. I haven't personally changed up the items but I'm sure items like Spirit Visage into MR Comps would be fine. Currently testing Shurelyas cuz of the Ability haste passive, and I'm also testing Thornmail if you NEED to go anti heal. When I get the chance to I'll try out the new Anathema item on him cuz the ability haste would be great on him.
Ability Order
3 Points into Q is for laning phase poking, maxing W Is so you can get started on the build where you W an ally and give them so much Armor and MR. Max E after cuz of the shield, and plus there's no point maxing Q tbh, since it's just Damage when you could have a shorter shield cooldown.
Closing Thougths
I'm not like some high elo player or anything so I have no clue if this is actually good, or if it'd make Braum any better, but I enjoy this build whenever I play Braum, like the ability haste and constant jumping around like a Yuumi is so fun to me. If any high elo players like this build, or if anyone likes this build, let me know, and if you have any critiques please let me know cuz I would love to hear how to make this build better. Also shoutout to the queen of support Luminum for inspiring me to theory craft and come up with this build, and please check out her new Soraka build.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dekkono1
Dekkono1 Braum Guide
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[S11] CDR Braum

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