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This matchup is pretty good since you can cancel his W which is an essential tool for Alistars engages. It is a bit tricky to do since you need to anticipate it. Alistar is pretty tanky so I would recommend just playing to deny him since you bring more to the table with poke and plays in the midgame.
This is a pretty good matchup because you only have one target to think about when engaging. You will almost always win if you have your ignite up. Your E and R can also make it so that she can't go into her teammates for a bit which makes her easy to kill. I would recommend going omnistone into Yuumi even though it requires some practice.
This matchup is pretty good because you can negate a lot of her poke with your passive, and you can also one hit her plants with your autos since you are melee. She is very easy to kill if you get to her.
This matchup is pretty good because Rakan doesnt do a lot of damage earlygame and is pretty squishy. You can cancel his W with your E and you will win almost every skirmish against him early. Watch out at level 6 since he can catch you out easier. If he starts running at you with R try to ult away his teammates and he won't have any followup.
This matchup is pretty good because bard is squishy early game and does not bring a lot of cc to the table. I would recommend running phaserush against him since he cant do anything about you chunking him out then.
This matchup is pretty good because your passive can negate a lot of her poke and you can also dodge her bubble very easy with your E. She is extremely easy to kill if you catch her out.
This matchup is pretty good because you can negate a lot of Xeraths poke with your passive and he is very low hp which both makes your Q poke work very well on him and makes it easy till kill him if you get to him.
This matchup is pretty even and very winnable if you play well. Pyke is very squishy and easy to kill if he uses his spells agressivly. If he hooks your ad try to cancel his E with your E and if he hooks you try to E him after his E to prock your aftershock and you will almost always go out ontop.
This matchup is pretty even because her poke is nothing insane and if she missteps you can combo her. Watch out for her R at level 6 since this can really mess your catches and can also cancel your E.
This is one of the bad support matchups because of Thresh being able to cancel your E with both his E and Q. He is also pretty tanky and can save his support from your engage with W.
This is one of the bad support matchups since Swain has a lot of damage and high range in lane and can catch you out with his E. After Swain gets his zonias and passive stacks he is extremely hard to kill, and it's better to ignore him at this point.
This is one of the bad support matchups if your ADC has improper wave management. It is hard to engage because of Blitz being very tanky and can catch you with his hook.
This is one of the bad support matchups since she has long range and her W makes it hard to reach her and enemy ADC. Watch out for her E and ult since she can catch you out in lane.
This is one of the bad support matchups since Lux has very long range and has good disengage. Her W also giver her and her ADC a pretty big shield so bursting them is hard.
This is one of the bad support matchups because of Jannas W passive that gives her movementspeed, so she can dodge your spells very easy. Her kit also brings a lot of disengage which makes it very hard for you to engage.
This is one of the worst support matchups because of the tankyness and hardcc that Nautilous brings. Watch out since it is pretty easy for him to kill you in lane.
This is one of the worst support matchups since Morganas Blackshield makes it very hard for you to engage. She will get the push and slowly poke you and your ADC out.
This is one of the worst support matchups since Setts passive Grit makes it so that he can tank a full combo from Gragas and still come out winning the trade.
This is one of the hardest marksmen to play against because of his insane earlygame damage and his dash making it almost impossible for you to get to him with your E.
This is one of the hardest marksmen to play against because of her constant slows which make it easy for her to kite you.
This is one of the hardest marksmen to play against because of her insane mobility making her very hard to catch. She will probably get a lead pre 6
Hello, my in-game name is Deffaren. I am a support main that spent all of the season 10 above Masters 100lp and peaked 312lp and so far reached Masters 216lp in season 11. Gragas has always been my pick I can fall onto when I want to have fun, but he also brings a lot to the table as a strong support.
Right now during earlyseason 11 Gragas is a multiflexable champion that is extremely strong into most meta champs which makes it a more contested and viable support pick
Pros / Cons
+ Is insane at disengaging + Alot of burst + Sustain + Making picks + Separating enemy team in teamfights + Pealing for his carries + Can go through walls + FLASHY ;)
To round things up Gragas is an insane champ when picked in and vs the right team comp. He is exceptionally good against champions that want to go in and make things happen early game since he can deny this while still scaling to become a team fighting beast. Gragas is a versatile support that can run multiple rune pages and build different dependent on your play style and what suits best every game.
- Very Flash reliant - Has a hard time against tanks - Wants specific ADC duos that make him work - Not a good blind pick - Pretty easy to catch - Kiteable
The worst part about Gragas is how insanely Flash reliant he is during the mid to late game. When your Flash is down you will not be able to execute your combos on the enemy back line which makes you a bit of a sitting duck. Gragas also has a lot of bad matchups which makes him a pretty bad blind pick unfortunately.
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