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Mordekaiser Build Guide by Rhoku

Top [S11] Iron Stands Eternal! Ω Rhoku’s Morde Guide

Top [S11] Iron Stands Eternal! Ω Rhoku’s Morde Guide

Updated on November 3, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rhoku Build Guide By Rhoku 241 15 617,855 Views 29 Comments
241 15 617,855 Views 29 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rhoku Mordekaiser Build Guide By Rhoku Updated on November 3, 2021
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Katasandra (101) | April 26, 2020 12:29am
Hey there,

What can a bored scout do in quarantaine? Well, write reviews, so here is one. Disclaimer: I do not play Mordekaiser myself so my knowledge on his builds/runes/matchups is limited. This means that I won’t question items, runes or matchup information unless they’re very weird.

Click for review

That’s it for my review (idk how it got so long, really). I hope you’re able to do something with it. If you don’t agree with some of the things I say, it’s fine, it’s your guide. If you have any questions or requests, feel free to PM/answer.
I know you got a pretty sizeable Darius guide out there as well, if you wish I can review that one too.

Hope you have a nice day, stay healthy!
Rhoku (11) | May 4, 2020 12:27pm
Hey. Thanks for the review. If its possible, I'd really appreciate a review on my Darius guide as its my main priority. I'm quite busy nowadays but I'll still find time to improve this Mordekaiser guide.
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