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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Ability Order
Pit Grit (PASSIVE)
Sett Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
It just works
Stop reading those idiots on this site recommending conqueror. Hail of Blades is the way to go.
Sett mid has zero counters, just follow these combos.
6 auto combo: 2AA(to proc HoB)-> E(facebreaker)-> Q(2AAs)-> 2AAs remaining from Hob
This 6 auto combo does an absurd amount of damage, you can easily kill the enemy level 2 or 3 without them expecting it.
Standard AA combo: E(facebreaker)-> 2AAs-> Q(2AAs)
You will probably be using this combo the most. It is the easiest to proc and does a significant amount of damage.
Galeforce combo: Galeforce active into enemy-> E(facebreaker)-> 2AAs-> Q(2AAs)
Galeforce + Flash: Flash->Galeforce active-> E(facebreaker)-> 2AAs-> Q(2AAs)
Hopefully this helps.
Sett mid has zero counters, just follow these combos.
6 auto combo: 2AA(to proc HoB)-> E(facebreaker)-> Q(2AAs)-> 2AAs remaining from Hob
This 6 auto combo does an absurd amount of damage, you can easily kill the enemy level 2 or 3 without them expecting it.
Standard AA combo: E(facebreaker)-> 2AAs-> Q(2AAs)
You will probably be using this combo the most. It is the easiest to proc and does a significant amount of damage.
Galeforce combo: Galeforce active into enemy-> E(facebreaker)-> 2AAs-> Q(2AAs)
Galeforce + Flash: Flash->Galeforce active-> E(facebreaker)-> 2AAs-> Q(2AAs)
Hopefully this helps.
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